Picture spam for the feels

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I'm really sad right now :'(


You really left?...
When I started watching football since 2008, I fell in love with that red shirt team...
And I immediately got amazed by you.

Every glory you achieved with them...
Every failure you suffered with them...

Your team mates, they came and left through time...

But you're still there. Became the Leader. Team carrier. For straight 13 years...
You sacrificed your up front position to make others shine, without a single complain...

Every day there were rumors, I just sit there and hope you'll stay here...

But sadly, that day has come. 

"Manchester United complete Wayne Rooney transfer to Everton"...

People cried, said thank you...

I just stay here with wishes for you in the future and tears inside...

Thank you for the past years.

Whatever other people say, you will be, and always will be, my all time favorite player.

I will always remember that moment back in 2011...

Every time you shout at the referee...

The moment you became our top scorer of all time...

And much, much more things that I can't fit in just a piece of paper.

If this is a nightmare, then please wake me up...

But it's real.

But, oh well, like a lyric in a Vietnamese song: "You go far away just to get back home"...

13 years for us... 
And achieved everything...

Then, it's a good time to get back home, right?

Can't imagine the Man in Reds without you...

Thank you for everything, captain.

Once a devil, Always a Devil.

Goodbye, "the reality" dream we never want to wake up!

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