Prank Gone Wrong: The Truth Revealed

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Part 3/3!

A few moments later, NicoMaki came.
Everyone was depressed, but at least they could talk. Unlike someone...

Nico: Nozomi... (pats)
Nozomi: (sobbing) No... Not now! Not right now! Please....
Maki: Guys...
(points out on the hospital main entrance)
Who is that?

Eli was walking along with Arisa, smiling.
Everyone was shocked, once again.
"NANI THE FUCK?!?!?!?"
Nozomi again... she was speechless.

Nozomi: (shaking) WHAT THE JDGEIDBSKCJS......
Mari: OH MY GOD REALLY?!?!?! (EliRisa laughs)
Kotori: NAH... (point to NicoMaki) YOU FUCKERS!!!!
Eli: Nahnananana don't hit me XD
You: Are you kidding us right now?!?! The whole thing was a setup?!?!?!

NicoMaki couldn't stop laughing

Nozomi: (walks away) Nah, I'm done... I'm fucking done with this...
Nico: She's fine! Relief? :D
Yohanne: (nobs head while sigh in relief)
Nozomi: YES, relief!!
Mari: (thank God sign)
Ruby: Oh lord... I think I need a doctor...
Arisa: Don't tell me you're having a heart attack!
Ruby: (shouts) NO, I DON'T!!!!!!
Everyone: (laughs)

Dia: (hugs Eli) Oh my god!!
I'm so glad you're alive!
Eli: (smiles) Oh so am I, daughtie :)
NozoUmi: (hugs Eli and Arisa) I'm sorry...
HonoChika: GROUP HUG!!!
(Group hugged)

Yohanne passed the camera to Nico

Nozomi: (hits Maki) You fucking idiot!! (Maki: XD)
(attacks Nico) And you, you fucking idiot!!! (Nico: XD)

Kanan: Omg I'm so fucking relief right now.
Umi: Seriously tho how did you guys manage to do that?
Rin: I legit just got a mental breakdown.
Hanayo: That was SO real! I though Eli-chan actually have a heart attack!
Maki: Didn't you guys feel weird that I did not go with you?
Nico: And I was like waiting inside the car, like honestly when I said I'd go get the car, my car was LEGIT right under the school yard, just to see your reactions.
Arisa: So we thought that we just keep going like that-
Riko: But your cry is so real though!!
Arisa: Oh... I asked onee-chan to slap me until I cry, so...
Eli: (pokes) Your face is so red XD
Hanamaru: Honestly, I hate you... I hate all 4 of you...
Yohanne: Holy mothers I got everything on camera like...
Nozomi: (jumps in) NAH I WAS SOOOO UPSET
Like I actually thought I killed Elichi
Mari: (points to the 4) You guys... Are actually so good
Arisa: Onee-chan~ 😊 (Eli hugs her)
Maki: Why are you complementing us?
Mari: Because you did a really good job! We got fooled, all of us did

Nozomi: Ok seriously we should go home now. I'm so tired
EliRisa: We'll cover you up, don't worry :)
Honoka: Yeah... It's been a long day. Everyone's tired. Let's go home.
Dia: Yeah let's head to Mari's bus.
Maki: I'm going with Nico-chan :)
Eli: Okay then :D

Nozomi: (point the middle finger to the camera) Fuck you... 😅 (leaves)
Nico: Hehe 😁

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