SIF: Perfect Play

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Seems like I don't need to explain anything. The title says for itself.

I just pulled this out like, yesterday. Basically, I FC-ed yet another Master song. But the stats below are what I want to say about.

In my opinion, that's probably the best score in terms of Note Accuaracy, with 9 Greats (for a Master song though!)
And I thought about the best play you can get.

I want to see screenshots on your stories seeing your best attempt on getting a Perfect Play. If you screenshot your Perfect Play, I'll give credits to you and possibly post them on my next chapter.

Note: Has to be Expert+
Idk who in my following list plays SIF so I'm just gonna name some familiar people:
I think KLab should have an achivement saying "Perfect Live" and you would get 1 Scouting Ticket for it.

How close are you on achieving a Perfect Play?

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro