This is new!

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All right. The 4.0 Update has completed in the morning. I'm sure every LL fans are sticking with their phones, eh? :)

Other than SSR Rarity, new idolizations, new skill EXP and lots of different stuffs, this is what actually caught my attention.

Now, you can change the speed of the falling notes in the game.

That is really useful, example when I'm tired of playing too much Expert and Masters, I can actually change the live speed to relax with some Normal or Hard songs while still keeping my note-reading ability to the best.

That's all I want to say for now. Again, GG KLAB for one of, if not the most crazy rush in LLSIF history.

Hopefully you're all enjoying the game!

Nguyen Cong Huan now have to catch some sleep for school. Sign out and peace.

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