When Love Live goes wild - Mari Ohara edition

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Mari Ohara - The Pun Queen.
Just remembered making this from THAT___THING latest chapter. Lol.

1. Preview for the next chap
Kanan: The reason you are here, Mari, because 1, we are shipped together and 2, you are The Pun Queen.
Mari: You're punking me!
(Claps hand and jumps forward)
Kanan: Oh there we go! / Mari: BOOM!!!
Kanan: See? That's why I chose her :)

2. Mari hasn't played UNO with her friends for a long time.
Mari: It's been a long time since I've do one of these UNO videos so...
U NO what we're gonna play today.
Aqours: ...
Hanamaru: Was that even funny?

3. Another preview
Kanan: Okay we're start off easy as well. We're gonna start with "Mango".
Mari: Maki's girlfriend Nico shouted "Maki MANGO get me some-"
KananMari: (Laughs)
Kanan: Maki isn't even male!
Mari: ..."some juice" and Maki said "Bitch I'm not your slave!"
Kanan: About 15 seconds off and there's already a savatage moment!
Mari: (chuckle) Sorry, I know right? Me everytime. People must hate me.

4. SIF Scouting with You Watanabe. Also, they're Youtube-ing
You: Oi I'm bored of Rares. Make something funny about the setup.
Mari: We asked KLab for Ultras (pats You in the shoulder), but I don't think they heard us so I think we'll have to check if the mic's on.
MariYou: (Laughs)
Mari: Is the mic on? Yeah?
You: Nah, oh my god Mari...
I don't agree with that (MariYou chuckle)

5. GMOD's moment #1
(If you don't know that game, google GMod)
Chika: Okay Riko-chan: this (point the gun at the table) and this (chairs). Me and you together. We'll shoot it immediately when the timer starts.
Mari: Haha too late I saw it!
Yohanne: I saw it too!
Riko: Ummm... Chika...
Chika: No they're lying!
Mari: Okay, suit yourself then.
Dia: Nono I think they did saw them.
Mari: I saw it right away when you and Riko get in it mate.
Chika: Nah, they're lying. For real.
Mari: Oooookay. (Silence for 2 seconds)
CHAIRS for the tip.
Chika: What?
Dia: Ooooohhhhh
Chika: Oh No! XD She DID saw it!

6. Yet another preview
Mari: Nico exclaimed "Look out Maki, that's weirdo's trying to get a PIKACHU" XD
Kanan: (Laughs)
Mari: ... I don't know!?!

7. Mari being Spanish at SIF
Mari: These... Rares gettin' discarded.
(Press OK at the Practice screen)
GARCIA later!
You: (Hold her face) What?!?!? (Mari laughs) Mari you're not from Spain!!
Mari: Internet power there (doing her Shiny pose)

8. Another SIF, but this time Mari's alone

You know a N card that names "Christina" or something like that? Mari just got it from the Normal Scouting.

Mari: Well, my daughter again.
(Tries to hold laugh) (Pfffft)
I enjoy that one.

9. Aqours playing the "Similar or Pun Challenge". Basically, they go through a list of words that fan sends them and they have to find a word similars to it. OR, they have to make a pun with that word

Yohanne: My turn now...
Aqours: Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh.......
She got the "KHUNE" word
Yohanne: Ayyyy (Starting to laugh)
Mari: (Saw it!) OI!! XD NO, ALRIGHT?!?!? NO!!!!
Yohanne: Wowowowow XD / Mari: (at the same time) SHUT UP!! ALRIGHT!! JUST.... NO!!
Yohanne: Ok ok XD
Chika: What does that mean?
Mari: Believe me, you don't want to understand XD

10. Another, yes, preview
Kanan: Your word is "period"
Mari: Oi that's a bit f*cked up right there, but okay
Then she called the police, but before they could apPERIOD he ran off
Kanan: Ohhh haha!! I thought I got you there (Mari pointing at the camera doing showoffs)
Mari: That was good, yeah?
Kanan: Okay I rate that, I rate that
Mari: High five! (They high fived)

11. At the challenge above (at #9, Hanamaru lost and she has to do a punishment)

Zura: Noooooo!!!
You: OMG I actually feel bad for her
Mari: Wait, Maru-chan!
Hanamaru: No, I don't wanna >< I've had enough...
Mari: Come back, I have one last thing to say to you. (Aqours excited)
When you take it...
Hanamaru: Yeah...?
Mari: (Search through the word list)
Don't PJANIC (Runs away)
Aqours: ...
Hanamaru: She actually think that's hilarious...

Btw, that's a football player's name, along with "Khune"

12. SIF moment with You #2
Mari: Ready? (Pretend that she's choking)
You: Well, that's not gonna hel-
(Sees a SSR)
Mari: AYYYYY HAHAHAHA!!! (You jumped a little bit)
You: It's not an UR tho...
Mari: Yeah, but I told you, you do the (choking sound) and it worked, see?
(Mari goes through the Member list while You says)
You: You're pretending you're choking on a deep-throat...
Mari: (Choose a N card) Or some lewd YURIes.
(MariYou laughs so hard that if you are in another room, you would still hear them laughing)
(Also You smashes her hands together - like hard clapping)
You: ...Yes....
(High five)
Mari: Yes! (You still laughing)
You: That. Was. Savage!

13. GMOD's moment #2
Mari: AH SH*T!! NOOOO!!!
(Riko and Yohanne shoots the chair a.k.a Mari died)
Dia: Oh Crap!!
Chika: No you two!! You lost her!!
Yohanne: (Remembered) For fuck sake!! XD
Chika: Riko-chan! We're suppose to hold her for questioning!
Riko: Ah no!! Sorry!!
Mari: Oh my god...
(Not her shouting btw)
Chika: Ay hahaha
Yohanne: Dang it.
Why did I just get my health to 100?
Dia: You picked up health.
Yohanne: Ah ok.
(Silence for 1,5 seconds)
Mari: CHAIRS for that, Riko.
Dia: Ayyyy, chairs for that.
Mari: Hehehe

14. Preview (Again?)
Kanan: Your word is "ideal"!
Mari: The weirdo dropped his IDEAL card at the scene of the crime!
Kanan: (Leans behind) Oh my...
Mari: Crime, it actually is! Period someone is a crime... I don't know XD

15. Before Zura lost....
Mari: Another soccer player? Really?
Ruby: I know nothing about this...
Mari: Ah okay I got one. What do you call a Polish urine test?
Aqours: What?
Dia: Wait..... What?
You: That guy actually exist?
Mari: (Shakes her head, confusing) Apparently XD

16. Opening a present
Mari: I would LINKIN PARK in front of this person's house to say thank you!
Everyone else: Oi, no! Mari, please!
(Mari laughs)
Dia: You listen too many rock songs XD

17. Another preview (Srsly need to stop)
Mari: "Lobotomy".
(Kanan making a "WTF??" facepalm while Mari is laughing)
Hey, it's even that or "hemidemisemiquaeva" (Is that even a word???)

Alright I'm gonna stop that. Too many previews :p

17. (For real) Eggs
You: What are you making?
Mari: Oh, Easter Eggs. We have Easter Day in the US, you know.
Yohanne: Eggs? (A funny idea pops up) Hey Mari! Which day does eggs hate the most?
You: Eh?
Riko: Huh?
Mari: I don't know???
Yohanne: You are the pun queen, I thought you might know that!
Mari: I've never heard anything like that in my life!
Yohanne: It's Fry-days! Get it? :D
Mari: (Really?)
Riko: Oiiii (sees behind) Wait WATCH OUT FOR THAT-
(The egg bursted)
Dia: What was that sound?!?!?
Hanamaru: What did you put in that egg?!?!?
Mari: Wow, thank god I made some already and THAT is the only egg I put little canons in it.
Ruby: Mari-sama, look what you've done! The egg bursted everywhere!
Kanan: Or should I say... EGGSPLODED?!?! :D
Aqours: (Laughs)
Mari: Ayyyy
That was EGG-CELLENT!!! XD
You: EGG-XACTLY what I'm thinking!
Hanamaru: Guys! You're having so many egg jokes!
Aqours: Why? It's funny!
Hanamaru: I don't get what you're doing!
Aqours: :(
Hanamaru: So stop being SHELLfish!
(Silence for 0,5 seconds, everyone looks at Zura-chan)
Mari: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
Aqours: (Laughs harder than ever)
Ruby: MARU!!! XD
Hanamaru: (Also laughing) Those were some of the nice YOLKS by the way :)
Aqours: (Probably needs an ambulance right now to stop laughing)
Mari: That was EGG-STREMELY funny (still in pain because of laugh)
Aqours: (Still cracked up)
Mari: Ok srsly we need to stop. XD
Aqours: Okay okay XD

18. Potato?
Mari: You like fries?
You: Nah, they're made from potato. I don't like them too much.
(Kanan walks in but Dia actually get a toe out as a prank so she almost slip)
Kanan: DIA!!!
Mari: Well, that wouldn't happen if you didn't POTATO in the way. Right Dia?
Kanan: I'm honestly in even more pain because of you, Mari. (laughs)
You: Casual Ohara :D

19. UNO fun (Not exactly a pun, but it's just funny)

Plot twist: KananMari meet NozoEli when they're on a street. They had a great time playing together.

Everyone have 2 cards left.

Kanan: Wait, omg I just thought of the best thing that can happen.
Nozomi: What's that?
Kanan: (Drop down) This. UNO!
Mari: Wait, Kanan's on UNO!
Eli: Oi you set this up against the Mother Russia XD UNO!
Mari: Eli's on UNO!
Nozomi: UNO~!
Mari: NoJou's on UNO!!
(Everyone: Eh??)
Kanan: (Sees Mari's deck) HOLY-
Kanan: Oh, I think I ran out of options :)
(Picks and plays a +4 card)
Everyone: NOOOOO!!!
Mari: Eli-sama, do you have a computer?
Eli: Yeah, I got a laptop. Why?
Mari: I'm trying to MONITOR the situation.
NozoEli: ....What??
Kanan: That's my friend everytime.
Nozomi: It's just joke, isn't it? :)
Mari: HEY!!!!

That's all I can think of so far.

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