Joker and Spade make Shadow Joker smile

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Spade:Hey Joker.


Spade:Have you see Shadow smile?

Joker:Double what?

Spade:Everytime i met him and he doesn't make a smile.

Joker:I don't understand Spade,look at that guy.*point Shadow Joker sit at the bench*He's an emo and emo doesn't never smile.

Spade:Yea...i never thought i would.


Spade and Joker sighed

Joker:Go and make a smile.


Joker:Go and make a smile! It's was you're idea!

Spade:Right.*gulp*Here goes nothing.

Spade approaching Shadow Joker

Spade:Hey there Shadow.

Shadow Joker:What the hell do you want...

Spade:Umm...knock knock?

Shadow Joker:*point his bloody rain at him*If you try to making fun of me,you're going down...

Spade shivers and scared

3 minutes later

Spade:See it's doesn't work Joker.

Joker:Don't worry Spade,just leave it up to me?

Spade:Can you do that.

Joker:Of course just watch me!*went to hin*

Shadow Joker:*put the nails in Joker doll*Idiot! Why doesn't he die!

Joker:Hiya Shadow,Hey Shadow,Hi Shadow.

Shadow Joker:What do you want...

Joker:Idk,maybe i can help you of your problem.

Shadow Joker:What is your freaking point!

Joker:Do you want to see you're smile.


5 minutes later

Spade:Oh you're back.

Shadow:That's...the most horrible i everything of my life.

Spade:I don't think he's smiling Joker.

Joker:Yea i know.

Shadow Joker fall down

Spade:Oh boy.

Shadow Joker:If only Rose was here.

Rose:*imagination*Onii-chan let's have some fun!

Joker and Spade:Rose?

Spade:Have you seen Rose?

Joker:She went to the mall with Queen.

Spade:That's sucks.

Joker smirk


Spade:Umm...what's with that face Joker?

4 hours later

Joker:Hey Shadow,look what i got!

Shadow Joker:And now what the hell do you wa-*saw Spade wearing Rose clothes and wig*

Spade:*whispering*Seriously Joker why me?

Joker:*whispers back*Shut up do as what you can?

Spade:*Rose voice*Oh onii-chan i miss you so much!*hug him*I'm so happy ri-

Shadow Joker:Spade...why are you dressed as Rose...


Shadow Joker:Bloody Rain!*shot him*


3 hours later

Joker:Well that didn't work.

Spade:I'm so mad,i'm so mad of you Joker!

Joker:What did i do?

Spade:Cause is you doing me as you're tool! First i try to steal the Moon Ring before you did! Then you cut my top hair! And you steal my movie debut along with the Shuffle Sisters and stealing the Tiger Mask!

Joker:Ehehe...sorry Spade.

Spade:That's it!*punch him*

Shadow Joker laughing at them then inflated and pop revealed a bomb

Joker and Spade:Oh no...

Bomb explodes

Spade:That's was an image gum?

Joker:Yea...*look at the paper*What's this.*read it*

After reading it

Spade:Wow i never thought of our master tricks for Shadow.

Joker:Yea i thought so...

But then the real Shadow Joker appeared

Shadow Joker:Ahem...*snatch the paper and read it*

Joker and Spade:...

Shadow Joker:*crumpled the paper*That was an interesting paper,and you thought try to make me smile again? I WILL DESTROY BOTH OF YOU!!!!

Joker and Spade are running away while screaming


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