Massive Tag Thing Informational Randomness

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Yeah I don't even know what to call this.

Anyway, hello again everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated like I wanted to. I had been dealing with personal stuff and college research stuff and other stuff.



I also started delving into two more fandoms. I'm almost done with season 1 of Supernatural, and yesterday I finished the first book of the Mortal Instruments series. I honestly still do not know how I feel about the characters yet. (Spoiler alert!! Rant about the City of Bones is in between bolded lines. Please skip past this if you have not read it.)


I'm just really glad Simon is once again an open option because DUDE I get why you're an asshole, Jace, but damn. Chill the fuck out dude. I enjoy the level of sass. You can be an asshole because I also enjoy that too, and if that's how you deal with things, that's fine. Just tone it down a bit please? Also, I wonder how the conversation between Jace and Clary went after the whole Valentine fiasco.

Jace: So... Valentine is my father.

Clary: Yeah... he's also mine.



Jace: How's mom?

Clary: Still comatose.

Jace: Right.



Jace: So you're sure she didn't abandon me?

Clary: Yep.



Jace: Do you want to talk about the kiss-

Clary: No!

Jace: Ok.

I feel bad for the both of them. I can't even imagine the level of awkward.

And then Magnus and Alec. I don't know how I feel about that. I'm between cute and creepy. I mean, unless warlocks mature faster than humans, the age gap would be pretty wide. Alec would be about 17 because he was baby during the uprising and Joselyn was pregnant with Clary, so since Clary is 16 now then if Alec was 1 during the uprising he would be 17 now. But when Clary was 2, Joselyn started taking her to Magnus to get her memory wiped, so wouldn't that make Magnus at least a teenager to be able to preform the memory wiping spell thing? At that point Alec would be around 3. So that would put Magnus at least in his 30s now. If warlocks mature faster than humans, however, then it might be able to work out. Magnus could have been only a few years older than Alec and still be able to preform the spell.

I just don't know.



I want to thank you all again for all of the tags, but like I said before, I can't do them all. I hope I'll be able to start and keep up with tags soon. In lieu of this, I'm going to put a bunch of random facts and information.

1. I am now 17 years old

2. This next coming school year I'm going to be a senior

3. I really really am not ready to be a senior

4. I'm planning on majoring in Creative Writing when I go to college

5. My back up plan is being a translator, but I'm don't even know how to actually become one and what kind of jobs I can get as a translator

6. I should really work on looking up stuff for being a translator

7. I am currently trying to learn Spanish, Greek, Russian, Italian, Vietnamese, and Dutch

8. I haven't gone on Duolingo for almost a month so I forgot almost all of my Greek, Russian, Italian, Vietnamese, and Dutch

9. I'm close to starting the publishing process for a poetry book some of my friends and I are writing and illustrating

10. I am not one of the illustrators. The best thing I can draw is a stick figure

11. I do, in fact, have a crush. She doesn't have a Wattpad as far as I am aware.

12. I'm running out of ideas of what to write down

13. My favorite color is purple

14. My high school graduating class is going to be the 100th graduating class of my school

15. There are very few scholarships for creative writing. Either that, or I am very bad at looking for scholarships. It could also be both. Probably both.

16. I read another series that was AMAZING!! It's called The Looking Glass Wars (the first book is also called The Looking Glass Wars) I highly recommend it. It's a really cool twist of Alice in Wonderland, and it's just... amazingness.

17. I still haven't read the new Trials of Apollo book. My siblings still haven't finished it because they are reading it aloud to each other at night, but either they keep falling asleep, or they insist on going to bed at midnight so they can't read. It's been a month. I'm just a little salty about it. Just a little. 😒😒

18. I really want chocolate ice cream

19. I really want to get to 20 facts

20. I made it to 20 facts

Well that's it! If you guys have any questions, feel free to comment them, and I'll answer them as soon as I can! (My cousins are coming over soon, so it might be a while before I can answer all of them.)

I hope you all have a great day!

Peace out and stay awesome!

P.S. This is really late, but happy pride month!

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