Rant on "The Hammer of Thor"

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Spoiler alert for anyone who has not read it yet. Please do not read this part if you have not read it.

Also, there will be some strong language.

OH MY FREAKING GODS I'M ABOUT TO KILL SOME PEOPLE. The first person I'm going to kill, is Hearth's father. That fucking asshole. Even after everything he did to Hearth, Hearth still cared about him enough to try to warn him about the fucking ring, but he still had to be a fucking asshole. I had to stop reading for like fifteen minutes when I got to that part. If only I knew enough Spanish to curse in the language. Next, I'm going to kill Loki, because the fucking bastard tried to kill HIS OWN CHILDREN AFTER FORCING ONE OF THEM TO MARRY A GIANT!! THAT SELF-CENTERED PIECE OF SCHIST!! I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW!! Then, not only that, but THOR REALLY?? YOU CARE MORE ABOUT YOUR STUPID TV SHOWS THAN THE PROBABLE END OF THE NINE WORLDS??? AND HOW DARE YOU INSULT ALEX LIKE THAT!!! NOT ONLY THAT, BUT WHAT THE HELHEIM TOOK YOU SO LONG TO JOIN THE FUCKING MASSACRE?? YOU'RE SO LUCKY NONE OF THEM DIED!! THEN YOU'RE NOT GOING TO EVEN LOOK FOR LOKI??? GO TO FUCKING HELHEIM!!! I would be more angry at Randolf too, but he is already in Helheim. Honestly, he probably only deserves to be there for just a little while, but not eternity. I feel bad for the fellow. DOESN'T MEAN I FORGIVE YOU FOR ALMOST MURDERING BLITZEN!!!

Okay, I think I'm good. Possibly. Sorry, about the strong language and shouting.

Have a good day!

Peace out and stay awesome!

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