What the Hell I've Been Doing This Weekend

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I keep meaning to update this with what I was actually doing this weekend, but I never really got the time to between going through notifications, doing tags, and trying to keep up with books that have been updated. Not to mention... Well... What I have been doing outside of Wattpad this past weekend.

Dam, that makes it sound like I have a life.


After school, I went to my god brother's school dance with him. It was really fun. I already posted a chapter about this, so I'll just move on.


My little sister had her birthday party at this really amazing painting place called Burst of Butterflies. I still need to finish my painting. I decided to do something that wasn't on the instructions thingys, but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do for like ten minutes. Then I decided I was going to paint in rainbow letters "Love is love" with half of a sun and half of a moon put together in the background. I'll post a picture when it's done. Honestly, I'm surprised at how it's turned out so far.

Yes, I am way too obsessed with Solangelo. Fight me.

Then after the party, we went home, and I took a nap. (That is, after I attempted to go through notifications.) Then when I woke up, I felt like actually going somewhere for some reason, but it was seven a' clock at night. My dad agreed to take me to the mall though, and I ended up getting rubber MCR bracelets and two books. I was really surprised that I found the first book because I was just toying with the idea of trying to search if Barns and Nobel had any books about transgender people, but I didn't think they would have that many if any. I also didn't want to go ask someone to search it in the computer. Then I just stumbled across one called "Gender Outlaw", and so far it is one of the best things I have ever read. I forgot the name of the author, and I can't look at it now because I'm getting ready for school.  I'll tell you guy the author though if you want me to. I highly recommend the book.

I also FINALLY got the Illiad and the Odyssey. I have wanted to read those for YEARS. I can't wait to finish reading them.


My family and I went to see the ballet of Romeo and Juliet. It was awesome! At first, my godmother thought she had gotten two tickets that had seats seperated from the main group, and I was going to have to sit by myself. Then she realized that she only had one ticket that was separated from the rest, and my godfather was the only one sitting away from us. Although, his seat was actually in the row directly in front of us. Anyway, the performance was amazing! I wish I was that graceful in dancing or even just walking for that matter.

Also, when we were walking back to the car, I saw this homeless guy laying down in front of a building. I gave him the two dollars I had on me, and I hope I brightened his day a little.


I woke up with Elvis hair. Don't ask.

That was my weekend! What did you guys do this weekend? Anything fun?

Peace out and stay awesome!

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