A Silly Day

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I woke up feeling rather lazy. 

Well, that applies to essentially all human beings of the planet, but today, I was feeling less motivated than usual. I opened my curtains thinking that it would be raining just like the weather reports predicted the day before. To my mild surprise, it was cloudy. Wind blew from across all sorts of oceans and land as trees were forced to bend to their will. There was no rain today. It wasn't raining, yet I wasn't in the mood to do anything whatsoever. 

So what did plain o' Luccato-san do in his free time?

I watched another episode of Rewrite (season 2) and Fuuka.

I read another chapter of Masamune-kun no Revenge.

I indulged myself in reading "My Vampire Older Sister and Zombie Little Sister Have Gotten Into a Pretty Serious Fight ... Only in Virtual Reality Though" on my favorite light novel translation site. Fun fact: The author of this is also the author of "A Certain Magical Index" and "Heavy Object." Cool.

I helped prepare lunch- which wasn't much. Even my parents felt lazy as we pulled out leftovers from last night's dinner. All of the stuff was tossed into some porridge and that was that.

After a satisfactory meal, I went ahead to do my studies. Then I did some chores. I ventured Wattpad's vast anime-related community once again to find more fanfiction to read. I would also quietly judge many and compare them to my own... And I must say that I really suck at this. 

Soon, I caught a glimpse of something fluttering in my room. It was a small moth- one of a light brown color with plenty of energy. I watched it bounce around with incredible athleticism (well, incredible to a couch potato) as it quickly darted through the air from one corner of the room to another.  In the meantime, I also reminded myself to clean my room as it was full of paper, books, binders, and a lot of paper airplanes. Yeah, I write down plenty of things on paper. You can tell I didn't like my writing much by the quantity of paper airplanes scattered about in my room.

My eyes continued to follow the moth. I did not know why I was so intent on watching the little moth go about its life. I didn't care about it either. As a spectator, I continued to observe. Up. Down. Across. Diagonal. It fluttered on and on. Despite being so small, so much life was shoved into its body. I had come to slightly admire the critter- while knowing all the same that it was an insignificant being that was bound for death.

And death did arrive for the brown moth that was full of life. I watched it, with such expectations of death, as the brightness of the moth slammed into the window. To me, it looked like a soft touch down, but the moth fell from the spot. Desperately, it tried to flutter as it did moments prior. However, this was to no avail as it crashed onto the window sill on its back. Kicking the air, striving for the future, reaching for the light with all six of its pathetic legs- it was the end for the moth. A pang of emotion hit me as I saw this. Cautiously, I reached out with a pencil, but I stopped. I put the pencil down. The time had come. The moth knew so to, yet it continued to kick. What was it kicking? What was it thinking? How did it feel? Was it cursing its own existence? Was it angry at its creator for only giving such a short life? Did it want to live life to its maximum? I didn't know. However, I did know that the kicking eventually stopped. The moth froze. I grabbed a piece of paper to scoop the thing and placed it outside the house. I looked at it for a while, and saw it kick once more. Or at least, I thought I did.

They rest of the day went by quickly as I somehow felt more motivated to do something. I just wanted to be productive. On Wattpad, I started up another chapter. I finished school work that was meant for next week's lessons. I drilled myself with some piano practice. I did not feel satisfied with myself. There was something missing. I looked outside at the stagnant clouds once again. Bright, yet gray. It felt depressing even though it wasn't raining. 

Then I realized what my day was missing.

A slice of cake with some tea and a chocolate truffle. 

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