Ahh My Eyes..

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Watching anime for 8 hours straight.. my poor eyes needed a break. Sadly, I was not mentally satisfied. So I go onto Wattpad to quench my desire by reading up the items in my library. Now, I feel great, but my eyes are begging for a vacation for once. 

However, I must fight on and publish some random thing! Why? I have no clue. I just felt like doing it.




I guess I'll just leave a random story and call it a day


The curtains open as the spotlight shines upon the stage. A typical blonde princess dressed in a Victorian styled dress faces the audience on a makeshift balcony attached to a wooden structure resembling a castle.

"Oh Romeo, Romeo. Where art thou? Thou art thy knight in shining armor. Um.. What the hell were my lines again? " The blonde princess seemed troubled.

"Go with the flow..."

"You're useless you piece of.. Ahh Romeo? Where art thou? For 'tis almost midnight and keeping a lady waiting is an absolutely horrid decision."

"Romeo enters the stage.."

"Juliet! I have come for thee! No wall or whatever will stand in my way! OUR LOVE IS DESTINY!!!" Romeo screamed.

"I don't think those are the correct lines, but okay then.."

A loud clicking noise was heard as an audible hum was heard throughout the audience. Suddenly, a beautiful maiden in a Victorian maid costume popped out of the bushes.

"Oh Romeo! My dear cousin, I told you to leave that stereotypical blonde chick and get together with me. No need to pay mind to other people," she claimed.

"Well well, it seems that our Romeo here is quite the player.. What will the two star-crossed lovers do? Why is this cousin here all of a sudden? Why does that maid costume suit her so well? What the heck happened to the real plot?"

"Who am I you ask? I am Angeline. Romeo's cousin and true fiancee. To keep to Montague bloodline fair and clean, I will dedicate my mind, body, and soul to Romeo," states the Angeline character.

"What the hell are you doing here you fluffy pancake? Aren't you supposed to be on a bed with some random noble doing floofy fluff  like a good toast?" asks the Juliet fella.

"I commend you for replacing all the curse words with some random words Useless Extra Narrator #1."

"Thanks Main Narrator. Break a leg!"

"Suffocate in whip cream. *cough* Anyways, the situation seems to have worsened upon the arrival of a new adversary. Can this get any worse?"

Fog comes out of a backdrop portraying a tree as another 4 women walk out of the fog and visible to the audience.

"FUUUUUUUUUU...UDGE. *cough* *cough* Well it seems that Romeo has not been two-timing his women. Not three. But 6 timing his women! What a player of a new field! Such a good example of a messed up harem!"

"And you're not helping you blueberry!" Romeo protests.



"My Lord."

"Romeoooo~ <3"

"Now Romeo sees all his women gathered up he realized something. He had too many fudge cakes that morning."

A diabolical nuke devastated the stage as all the actors fell to the ground with faces full of suffering. A teacher from the audience could be heard yelling, "IT'S A NUMBER 666! EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY BEFORE YOU GET INFECTED AND DIE!"

Meanwhile, the victims and the criminal were left on the stage.

Where was I the entire time? In the main narrator's box like a good boy. Unfortunately, I was forced to stay there until the contamination dissipated into the open air somehow. 

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