No Confidence...

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Ah.. Hey guys and gals. Luccato-san back again. Well, I have been doing things, but none of the things I should be doing. (i.e Working on homework) However, the main concern is just me not putting anything up for like the past... month? Yeah.

I lost quite a bit of confidence lately after my debate team got completely roasted in class 'cuz one guy forgot what our topic was originally about. Sadly, I was the person who received the brunt of the roasting since I couldn't properly recover from our slip up. We didn't get a bad grade, but it still made me dread the incident quite a bit. Being on the receiving side of debates constantly usually isn't my thing. Then again, debating was never my thing in the first place.

So, with confidence down the drain and in the sewage system, I'm too scared to publish any new chapters for Masked Life and Scattered Flowers. Even though no one reads either story, I just have that feeling of "not wanting to f-up the story." 

Well, I am working on an alternative thing to pass time, and it will be trash. I mustered enough false-confidence to toss the thing together. In truth, it's just me borrowing ideas to make a story of my own. 

Speaking of stressful things, spring really wants to kill me ASAP. I cannot step outside a building for 5 minutes without sneezing. It gets worse when I starts sneezing like some kind of biological pistol of the sorts.

Anyways, the side project I'll randomly toss up will be:

Yeah it's plain, but hey. It's pretty damn hard to get visuals of OC stuffs unless you base it on an actual character out there.

Well Luccato-san's off to write a bloody horrible story. Pun intended.

Until next time!

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