Procrastination 101

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Featuring Luccato-sensei, Luna from "Eternal Fighting", and various anime related stuff

Lesson 1: Always be sure that the following materials are present- Yes you must work before you can procrastinate.

1. Wifi

2. PC + Phone

3. Snacks, as in a lot

4. Water and any other beverage

5.  Door with a lock

6. Curtains

7. Headphones 

8. Electrical outlet(s)

9. Chargers for electronics

10. Convenient bathroom nearby

11. Some sort of weapon- like a stick

12. Some sort of protective gear

13. Pillows, Plush Toys, etc.

14. Books

Lesson 2: Always lock the doors. ALWAYS

Intruders are not allowed.. If they keep knocking, turn the volume of music and stuff up.

Lesson 3: Food

Must always have fud nearby. Walking to the kitchen for fud after the door is closed is painful.

Lesson 4: Beverages

Water is necessary. Sugary drinks are good, but water is absolutely necessary. Continuously drinking some sweet beverage will make you sick at some point.

Lesson 5: Curtains

Close them. The sun isn't needed. Although it doesn't hurt to have them open.

Lesson 6: WiFi

No WiFi no PC/Phone. No PC/Phone= No Games. No Game No Life. 

No life= You become emo 

Conclusion: WiFi= Life

(Very important math equations we should all remember)

Lesson 7: Safety

Keep liquids separate from electronics. Cup holders and stuff like that recommended. Beverages in capped bottles also recommended.

Lesson 7.5: Books?

Choose interesting ones to read in case you get sick from staring at a screen for a long time.

Lesson 8: Bathrooms

Always make sure bathrooms are available and close to you. This is the most difficult part- getting up to use the restroom.

Lesson 9: Intruders

Use weapon when intruded upon and holy barrier breached. Smite thy enemies with thy Holy Excalibur or Holy Grail. Or a stick.

If parents are extremely oppressive force come round- surrender. Wear protective gear and brace yourself.

Lesson 10: Companions

Pillows, plush toys, body pillows, and stuff- those are your fellow comrades. Have faith in them.


That's all. Any Questions?


What about homework?

Files for homework.exe are revealed in Lucky Star

I have to do my project and it's due tomorrow!!!

Netflix and chill.

How will I study for my tests then?

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu  

No WiFi T^T


Sensei what do I do? My Waifu Pillow is gone!!!!!

No Waifu=No Laifu

You're on your own Timmy.

Sensei, do I choose the wasabi flavored snacks or the vanilla ones?

Whatever you like to eat.


Fanservice is always available out there.

Where's my chicken? It mah fav..

"Okay guys chill we don't have time to argue about chicken"- Luna


I has 2000 ping and I can't do anything on LoL. Should I switch to AT&T?

Tell yourself whatever you need to get by after losing your games..

*whispers* It might be because you're horrible at League..

Sensei, the books are too heavy to carry.. What do I do?

Get eBooks or find some to read online.


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