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Fuehhh... I don't want to do anything productive with my life any more <~< I've kept myself in front of at least three different textbooks a day. What is summer vacation anymore?! Why am I doing this to myself?! Ahhh mo!

I need to watch more anime. Spend more time typing for fun on Wattpad. Eat cake. Etc.

There are too many things I want to do and too little time to do everything. This is the summmer. My most free time of the year (typically). I'll just List out what I currently have going, and what I want to do.

Current projects:
-A World to Understand (monthly thing)
-One shot per genre thingy (random)
-927 Murders, 1 Confession (editing)

Stuff I wants to do:
-collaboration projects (I'm extremely interested in trying it out)
-start a new series (hesitant on doing so)
-reviving dead series (hesitant on doing so)
-solve MWP's mystery (is incapable of doing so)
-eat cake
-write a fan fiction on mainstream anime (too cool for that... not)

To be honest, I do have deep interest in collabs, but I doubt I am actually capable of such a thing. As for new/old series, I'm just not feeling the heavy spark I'd need for jumping into one. And MWP's newest mystery... let's not talk about that for now. I'm too lazy to think about it.

By the way, have you guys and gals watched any of the anime from the new season? I've taken a liking to the "Restaurant to Another World" anime. It's interesting. And of course I'm watching "in another world with my smartphone" something or other. It's a harem anime and I'm a sucker for those :P

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