Story Time No. 2

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Featuring Noda from Angel Beats. 

Noda's POV

This useless feeling.. really sucks..

Why am I so weak?

Why am I so dependent on her?

I can't do shit for myself.

If I could restart my life, 

I would get stronger to protect the ones I love..

Fuck my life now.. 

Is God dead to our world?

Probably. If he was, he would have saved her..

Why did I have to be so useless?

If I was reborn, I want to protect someone.

First Beat:

When I came to, a purple haired goddess was next to me holding a pistol. Well holy shit, she looks beautiful. The most beautiful thing I've seen in my life. Wait, what was my life like? How come I can't remember anything before this?

"Oh so you came to. Welcome to the Afterlife Battlefront new guy." 

I turned my head to face a blue haired fellow. Damn it, this guy just ruined my day. Get your sorry ass out of the picture.

"Hinata slow down, this guy just came around. We need to explain things more slowly," spoke the holy existence before me. Ahh, she reminds me of someone.. but who? Oh well. More importantly I need to get some details.

"Is this some sort of game?" I try asking.

"Do you really think this is a game? We have real guns that can shoot real bullets that will kill you. That's a little joke by the way seeing that we can't truly die," said the blue haired bloke.

Wait.. what? Guns that shoot bullets can't kill people? Just when I was getting lost- "Hold up Hinata, we need to make things clear slowly." Praise the holy maiden before me..

"First off you're dead already," she claims.

Well that I might understand. But am I in Heaven or Limbo? I'm between a Goddess and some visually irritating blue haired guy. Man I would be happy to get him out of the picture.

"Second, you will supposedly regain consciousness after being 'killed', but it's sort of like waking up from a nap. Except more painful," she continues.

The explanations continue. My brain was starting to hurt slightly. So much information that doesn't seem to make too much sense. However, I somehow decide to just go with it and take it as it is. I was confident that this Goddess won't betray me. Plus, it seems like it was true more or less.

"...So that's how the Afterlife Battlefront formed. To reject the 'God' that made us suffer. Unfortunately, we are up against an extremely strong opponent. Tenshi.. Our current goal is to annihilate her. Oh what a coincidence, she's over there."

She points out to a petite silver haired girl. A frown starts to form.

Without thinking, I laid my hands on a metal staff. In my mind, everything earlier mentioned was put aside. How dare this Tenshi  take away my Goddess' smile.

"Oi wait!"

I'm not waiting blue haired bastard. All I need to do is beat her up right?

And then I 'died' to a little silver haired girl with hardcore weaponry.

Second Beat:

Time has passed by smoothly in this school. I finally got the gist of the concepts more or less, but it was still difficult to manage- especially since I don't have my memories yet. Most importantly, I have a goal. My instincts were telling me that I definitely had to protect my Goddess- Yuri- and keep her smile. It didn't make sense, but I'm trying anyways. 

But.. I needed to get stronger.

I got completely beaten down by Tenshi.

I managed to do fine during the operations the Afterlife Battlefront held, but I needed to become stronger. If I can shut down the silver haired angel, I can preserve that smile I hold dear.. I want to protect that smile.. I want to protect her..

So.. I trained day and night. With my favorite weapon- a halberd.

Screw classes. Even if I don't have my memories, I'm pretty sure I hated school in general. Getting stronger is more important now.

Third Beat:

It was a clear day outside. Why am I outside? For some reason I don't feel so comfortable here. A woman was getting harassed by a few men. She looked like she was trying to protect me..That's no good. I should be the one protecting her. I tried to move, but I couldn't. Damn this weak body of mine. I want to move. Let me move forward.. Please.

I wake up from a disturbing dream. I feel like shit. I should get back to training..

Somewhere in the middle of my training, I remembered how weak I was against Tenshi  when I first tried to fight her. Damn, I'm so weak. Fatigue hit me immediately after I thought that. Crap.. I fell from the rock I was balancing on into the river.

And then, I remembered it all. How pitiful I was. The weakness that surpassed an ant. My caring mother. I couldn't help her. I hated God for that. Then, I died after trying to save some girl from a gang..  That world was so unfair.. I couldn't protect anything with my miserable life.

When I woke up, I found her standing beside me. Yuripee.. the one I vowed to protect with everything I have.. I see it now.. Wherever she goes, I will follow and make sure no one touches her. I haven't seen God, but there is a Goddess before me right now.

Fourth Beat:

Damn you Otonashi.. I really hate you.. I can not accept a newbie goody two shoes like you standing near Yuripee and receiving her smiles..

Let me kill you another 500 times okay? My halberd's tip is waiting to penetrate you.. Ahaha.. Ahaha.. So much is going to happen eh?

Final Beat:

Fucking Otonashi stop taking the spotlight. Oh well, it doesn't matter much anymore. Her smile is still there. We saved Yuripee. My Goddess still lives. I'm.. satisfied? I watch from outside the infirmary door as Otonashi's group holds a small chat with the divine maiden. Her smile.. brought tears to my eyes. I managed to protect it.. Using my own power. I managed to become strong. I know that I was seriously stupid, but it doesn't matter. Only her smile matters. I drag my halberd into the former Afterlife Battlefront meeting room that we used so often. I left my halberd to lean on the bookshelf. Nostalgia fills me. I spread my arms to relax as I whisper:

Fuck you Otonashi..

Yuri.. I'm glad that I was able to protect you.

I promise that if we ever meet again in another place..

I will protect you.

I.. I lo-


A certain purple haired girl was walking through the crowds with her friends. 

"Hey look at that girl, she's seriously got the hots. Let's get her eh?" said some random person.

A certain crazy bloke threw a punch against his face.

"Yo Noda what the hell are you doing?" one of the asks. Knives were drawn. The atmosphere was dangerous.

"Don't tell us its love at first sight or something Noda," another one said.

"Oh, we've met before.. Maybe.." The person referred to as 'Noda' picked up a long metal rod. Spinning it around at high speeds and slamming it against the building- breaking it- he sighs. 

"This really feels familiar for some reason.. Oh well.. It doesn't matter since all of you are going to see the Goddess in Heaven anyways." Noda smirks.

"What Goddess? There's only God!"

"Shut up. God doesn't do shit, but I'm pretty sure my Goddess does.." Noda replies.

And so.. he beat them up.


Author's Note: 

Hope you enjoyed. And to be clear, I don't support NodaxYuri. Well, see you people next time, thanks for reading! 

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