Story Time No. 8

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Author's Note: It's random, off the top of my head, etc. I got bored.

I stared at my phone amiss the crowd of people who swarmed the corner of the block and impatiently waited for their light to cross the streets. Cars of all ages constantly glided back and forth while producing all the noise fitting for a city. Curse words were thrown, people begging for money, people protesting, others advertising- this was normal.

With a flair of my own impatience, I nervously checked my phone once again. 7:57 a.m. I'm certainly going to be late to school if these lights don't change.

A car made a sharp turn directly in front of me and continued on its way while beeping loudly- giving some of the people nearby quite a fright.

Danger always seemed to be around the corner.

We all try to prevent such from occurring, yet our abilities are so limited- like gravity limiting people from jumping out into space. We can only jump so high.

Speaking of abilities...

Suppose you had the ability to turn back time.


You could only turn back time once a day.

For a maximum of 5 minutes.

Would you be interested in using such a limited ability?

After pondering this question myself, I unsheathed my phone from my pocket yet again. 7:59 a.m. This light is really taking its time.

Another car made a loud cry as it made a sharp turn around the corner of the block where dozens of people continued to wait for a light. 

A strong gust of wind blew by. I felt my jacket whip around my waist as nature exerted its force upon it. A person in the distance lost a couple papers while advertising. 

I saw a familiar face. A person whom I was acquainted with for years. I was about to raise my voice to greet her, but I didn't realize the tragedy that was bound to occur. One step. Two steps. Right onto the road full of speeding cars she went.

Another car screeched and wailed as she happened to walk in front of it. I threw my phone up. Adrenaline pumped through my body as I leaped forward to push her out of harm's way.

A collision.




I found myself crying under a tree one particular day. However, there was no logical reason as why I was crying. No one physically nor mentally harmed me. In fact, there was nobody there. Alone. In the shadows of the tree. Embraced by nothing. A certain girl walked up to me and asked, "Why are you crying?"

"I don't know."

"Boys shouldn't cry without a reason."




The stars were pretty that night. I felt the hands of a certain girl grasp mine very lightly. It was a new experience for me, but I avoided commenting on such. This was a first after all. Best not to ruin it.

"The stars are so weird," she suddenly said. Her voice pleasantly broke the silence the way the winds pleasantly blow against the grass in the meadows. 

"Are they?" I ask in return.

"Yeah. They shine and die."

"Sort of like us in a way- we only have a couple dozen years."

"Hmm... What do you want to do in a couple years?"

"Fall in love."


"Do you need a reason to be in love?"

I stopped after that question. Perhaps, being the careful and analytical one, she would have noticed my own satisfaction and feelings. At the same time, I hoped she didn't notice.




From under the shadows of the tree, I stepped out into the sunlight. The girl smiled at me brilliantly like the sun. I couldn't help but gaze at her in awe. She then extended her hand.

"Don't cry. You're a boy," she demanded. Her pinky seemed to invite me to join hers in the absolute oath of youth.


So, I made my first promise. It was also the first one I broke.




What would I do with the power to turn back five minutes of time once a day? I'd want to have no regrets.

Therefore, I would use it whenever I needed to.

On my first day of middle school, I'd use it to change an embarrassing outcome.

I also managed to use it for simple things to help others.

Though I'm pretty sure there are times when such power won't help.




"I'm leaving."

Those words echoed in my ears as I blankly stared at the girl.


"I'm leaving. I won't be coming back for a long time."

And so I broke my first promise then and there.




"I love you."

I stood there with a firm resolution. I stared into the eyes of a girl that I've known for years on end. Part of me expected an answer. Part of me feared the answer. Part of me wanted to run away. I could easily rewind and start over, but I absolutely refused to do so. I was willing to take the answer as is. I wanted to know her answer.

"I'm in love with someone."




"Why are you crying?"

"Because.. I'm sad."

"Why are you sad?"

"Because you're leaving."




I turned my head to the side and looked at a certain girl. I solemnly swore that I would treasure her with my life. I held her hand slightly tighter. Curious, she turned to face me.

"I don't think.. there is any reasoning behind love."


"I love you too."




The lights were flashing, I did not know where I was. I saw a familiar face in the distance running over to me. However, she seemed to be rotated at a 90 degree angle? Ahh.. no. I'm lying down on the ground. I try to stand up, but I felt absolutely nothing. My body refused to respond to me. I see. This is it.

The girl I've known for years came down beside me and cradled my head in a protective position. I saw her tears fall. Here, I was supposed to be treasuring her, and here, she cried. I couldn't help but start tearing up myself. Frustration for letting her feel that sadness. And sadness.. because she's sad.




7:57 a.m. I put my phone away again. The skies were relatively cloudy. It was around 58 degrees outside with plenty of wind coming through the city. I turned and saw the face of a familiar person.

I greeted her with a casual, "Yo."

I extended my arm towards her.

"Morning," she replied. She walked up to me and held my hand. 

I glanced at my phone again. 8:00 a.m. The lights finally favored me as the sea of pedestrians began to move across the streets.

"We should get going. It's 8 right now. We might be late for school," I said.

With her hand in mine, we ran.

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