Violet Evergarden

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While working on my long overdue projects on short bursts of inspiration (yes a bad idea, but I find it more enjoyable to do it that way), I started looking back on the anime throughout 2018.

Yeah, that wasn't long ago.

And yeah, you can already tell what I'm going to talk about. For this little segment, I'll be strictly sticking to the anime adaptation. 

I won't say that Violet Evergarden was Anime of the Year or anything. As much as I want it to be, I personally know that it won't be. Violet Evergarden is not the anime for everyone. 

I dropped Violet Evergarden after episode one.

Violet Evergarden was boring between episodes two to seven.

Nothing happens in this anime.

This anime seems so pointless.

etc. etc. etc.

These comments I frequently saw are wrong! Or so I want to say. Truthfully, it really is boring in a way. There are multiple windows of opportunity that the writer could have taken to make Violet Evergarden into an incredible, flashy, and memorable drama. 

However, that's not the point of Violet Evergarden.

Violet Evergarden is a story about discovering oneself. To acknowledge oneself in order to acknowledge others. To discover what emotions are and how one's actions affect another's. To learn to be kind.

The anime's world building is absolutely well developed. It's a post-war story in a Victorian-like setting. In this small world that has been loosely connected by mere words on a piece of paper, people struggle to cope with loss or the possibility of loss. This directly flows into the brilliant character development that goes on throughout the anime.

Violet is a nobody. People will claim that she has no emotions, but that isn't it. Violet has emotions, yet she isn't aware of it. She grew up as an orphan who only relied on her instincts to survive. Emotions were not needed to survive. She then was picked up from the streets and turned into a weapon of war that only needed to fight and survive as a tool. Emotions were discarded for war. Violet became a "doll" who definitely had emotions, but she couldn't perceive nor express them.

She had nothing. All she needed to do was follow orders. So, that's what she did. One day, she was transferred to Major Gilbert's commands. This meant nothing to her, but as time went on while she received orders from Gilbert, she began to have an increased sense of duty towards Gilbert. From then on, a change occurred in Violet as her purpose in life changed from surviving and taking orders, to serving Gilbert with everything she has. Of course, this was just Violet trying to gain a grasp of the emotions preexisting within her, and this ultimately leads to Violet treasuring Gilbert. As for Gilbert, his feelings exceeded those of Violet's, but due to Violet's inability to perceive even her own feelings, he could only express his love for Violet through orders.

As such, when Gilbert died in the war, Violet's case was rather dire. He told her that he loved her and wanted her to live on. Gilbert wanted Violet to grab ahold of her feelings one day and obtain free will.

Violet was a tool. She acknowledged that she herself is a tool. Her purpose was to serve Gilbert. Her entire existence revolved around her taking orders from Gilbert. With Gilbert missing from her life, she felt useless. Gilbert had defined Violet. He was everything to her. Everything she had came from him. Even her name originally came from him.

The anime opens up with Violet in a frail position. She has been hospitalized with no arms left to use. The first thing she does is try to get out of her bed to find her treasured Major.  Hodgins, Gilbert's friend and former commander, comes by to check in on Violet. He manages to avoid telling her that Gilbert died in the war. Violet misinterprets Hodgins' words and assumes Gilbert is alive. Violet, feeling relieved, immediately requests for a pen and paper to begin writing a report using just her mouth. 

It's clear that if Violet learned of her commander's death, she would immediately lose her purpose in life. So when Hodgins, visits Violet in the hospital, he decides to conceal Gilbert's death and later convinces Violet to work for his company that helped write and deliver letters for people. Hodgins secretly hoped that through helping others write letters, Violet will become aware of her own feelings and manage to find a way to live on without Gilbert. As for Violet, she readily accepted Hodgins' offer in order to understand what Gilbert's words meant. Those words were "I love you."

This is the essence of the entire anime.

The first episodes were to establish what world Violet Evergarden was taking in while showing who Violet originally was. The letter writing episodes were extremely precious and filled with emotion. Sure, it may have been boring for some as the sequence itself is not the most dramatic thing in the world. However, there is development that is certainly being made. With each request that Violet successfully fulfills, the closer she becomes to understanding the meaning of those precious three words. 

So, the anime goes on until Violet manages to come to find her own emotions and learns to move on from Gilbert's death.

Even if I were to explain all of this in one of those comments I mentioned earlier, there probably won't be a difference in opinion. Which is fine. Everyone has their own taste in anime.

Instead, I will discuss the most engaging points of the show and what it meant to me. I'll make it quick and easy to think about.

1. War sucks. Funny how we don't think much of it these days. Also funny how America has been in a war more often than not. Says a lot about us doesn't it?

2. Messages are important. Nowadays we have phones and we just randomly spam "lol lmao gtfo kms etc" to one another. I don't think it's bad whatsoever- it's culture. But seeing how the people in this anime treasure each little word is kinda refreshing...

3. Violet is actually relatable. To those who don't know what their purpose in life is at least. finding emotions and coping with loss is difficult.

4. Sympathy. Early I said something about being nice or something like that. Well, as an idealist, it'd be nice to at least make an attempt to understand another's pain and be sympathetic. American society clearly doesn't have enough of it. It's more hate and hate than anything else. I mean look at the "SJW's" and "feminists" online. These people are seriously just looking for a fight and will look for even the tiniest excuse to do so. Nothing against the truly dedicated people out there, but this honestly just makes things complicated.

5. This OP by TRUE is precious:

Each time unknown words come to mind,

I reach my hand toward the traces they leave.

But there may be words

That I can't comprehend all alone.

"Goodbye" is a bitter pill,

While "I love you" carries a far-off scent.

This incomparable feeling

Is so very frightening... but so precious at the same time.

Why am I crying right now?

How should I answer my heart?

The words are never spoken.

They're just there... they just keep building up.

I start wanting to see you.

Each time I learn a beautiful word,

It feels I might start hating myself.

But there may be words

That I mustn't ever turn my back on.

Sadness is cold,

While "Thank you" is colored in warmth.

Each time I encounter something intangible,

I hear your voice echoing deep inside my heart.

I began writing, but stopped.

This letter with no addressee

Flutters in the wind,

Seeking the city of my desired recipient

To report the end of a beginning...

I'm living my life. I'm never giving up.

So that you can take pride in these current days.

Why am I crying right now?

How should I answer my heart?

The words are never spoken.

They're just there... they just keep building up.

I start wanting to see you.

5.5 add the fact that the soundtrack and animation are really high quality

6. it's a road trip of feels and waiting with a massive payoff at the end. You know what's going to happen if you just pay attention for the first three episodes. Just waiting to see Violet develope as a character is heart-warming. It will tear at you every time Violet comes across a setback and struggles to cope. It will heal you every time Violet manages to make those around her happy. It will most definitely make you happy when Violet finds even a crumb of happiness.

7. episode 7 is def my fav- beautiful animations w the leaves and water. if u know u know

8. Violet is precious

Okay, I can honestly go on for ages about Violet Evergarden and much more about Violet, but I'm sure the point I got across is clear.

Violet Evergarden is a good anime.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
