Pet Peeves

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I'm gonna list a few pet peeves of mine. Just because why not?

1. When a kid is crying obnoxiously and the parent doesn't even try to stop it.

Ok, so kids crying obnoxiously already gets under my skin, but I tolerate it if the parents are trying to calm them down. Kids are kids, and the attempts to stop the crying may not work. I can accept that and suck it up. But when the parent decides the do nothing at all  to try and stop he crying, that just annoys me. Get a sense of decency.

2. When people think they know everything about some field because they know one aspect of it.

No, you don't. For those of you who don't know, I'm a cuber. For those of you non cubers, basically I can solve twisty puzzles sorta good. For those of you who don't know what a twisty puzzle is, Rubik's cubes are twisty puzzles. Now before I go completely off track, I'll go back to the original subject. It annoys me to no end when people think they know more than me about cubing just because they can solve a 3x3 using beginner's method or layer by layer (learn f2l, it's better). Like seriously, there was one time this guy and I were talking, he solved a 3x3 that was in the room, and I said, "hey, could I solve it?" He scrambles it up, passes it to me, and I start solving. I get to oll... uh... the top face, and one corner is unsolved. Essentially, it is IMPOSSIBLE to solve a cube if a corner is twisted without twisting it back, and you can always tell if a corner is twisted when you solve the top face. So I twist it back, and he says I'm "cheating". I explain that you can't solve the thing if only one corner isn't oriented correctly. He procedes to say there's a way to mess it up and solve just the one corner, blah blah blah. NO, THERE'S NOT. It's not cheating if you twist the corner back because it was twisted and is therefore unsolvable. The only way to twist only one corner is to manually twist it. There's no special way to do it, stop acting like you know everything because you can solve the first puzzle people learn to solve.

That whole explanation was way too long. Let's just turn nerd mode off and get to the rest, shall we?

3. When you get 99% on a test

Like, you were just one or two questions away from 100%. I'm happy, but unsatisfied at the same time.

4. Bad drivers

Doesn't affect me much, since I can't drive yet, but I still get annoyed when people drive idiotically.

5. People swearing in front of children

Swearing in public doesn't get me much, like, it's not good, and it can offend some people I guess, but I don't care. And I don't mean like, middle schoolers or teenagers. I mean when people drop f bombs or something like that without a care in front of 2nd or 3rd graders. Again, find a sense of decency.

6. People being rude in general

I know this applies to some of the previous ones, but I don't care, those are specific. But for this I mean like, when you hold the door for someone and they don't say thank you. That's just common sense. This doesn't happen terribly often. I tend to hold the door for people just on instinct. It's how I was raised. And most people say thank you on their way through. But then there's that young adult couple at Rubio's who doesn't even look at you as they go through he door. That happened to me recently. They proceeded to be really inappropriate for a public place (the guy slapped the girl's ass when they were talking to the cashier. Like, really?). Essentially, I found myself despising two people whom I knew nothing about.

7. People who blame others for their mistakes.

*inhale* I'm not going to rant *exhale* There's this kid at school last year who did this... and many other things... he's probably gonna come up again, so I won't talk about him now

8. People who pull up the past in arguments

Not even sure this could be considered a pet peeve, but whatever.

This happens to me every friking day of my life. That's hardly exaggerated. Half of the days I go to school someone's brings up something moronic I've done in the past. And, well, it's just stupid. I can't change the past. And the fact is, I'm human. I make mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes lead to even more mistakes. It's life, ok?

9. People who bring teasing too far



... I don't mean when it's obviously a joke. Say, TheMidnightSnack and TechnoGurl. Hell, even TheLoneWanderer17 once. Like, that stuff, I don't give a shit about. Even if you tease me and Ashikaga0chan about the whole ship thing repeatedly, I don't give a shit. It's all in good fun and obviously has good intentions.

... but, when you go too far with teasing... and your intentions aren't good whatsoever... it can cause people to.. crack.

I'm not personally a victim of this. But, I've seen it... and.... I know one person in specific who may read this knows what I'm referring to. Hell, maybe two... but... guys, don't do that. Don't push teasing too far, even if your intentions aren't bad. Just don't...

..... and, that one person I was referring to... I know I told you it broke my soul to watch that happen, but... one of my biggest regrets, like, ever, is not stepping in and getting him to shut the hell up. I just.... watched and did nothing. I'm sorry...

Ok, depression mode off.

10. "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I dismiss you"

My dad is a teacher, and he told me the bell is more to let teachers know the period is over.

Ok, I can accept that under normal circumstances. But when you have less than five minutes to get to class before you get a detention, I get a little annoyed. Also, the teachers who just hold you in for trying to leave and have you just sit there. Again, I can accept it if it's like break of lunch, albeit with a grain of salt. But I just get pissed when that happens in between classes. Seriously, you might as well give the entire class a detention instead (though please don't cause usually we can make it in time)

11. "You should've gone to the bathroom in between classes"

Bullshit. We get FIVE MINUTES to get to our next class or it's an automatic detention. We don't having time to use the bathroom, especially if we got let out late because the last teacher didn't like that we didn't want a detention.

12. The previous grade.

Ok, this is kinda specific just to the people in my specific class.. grade? We're called a class so let's stick with that. But maybe some of you can relate?

But the previous grade is UNBEARABLE. Well, most of them. Some were cool. (Lookin at you, Liam).

Specifically the ones who played football.

I have two stories. I'll tell me both.

Story one: so this was when I was in a cast for my broken finger. I had my arm on the table and was talking to friends. TheMidnightSnack had his water bottle on the table also.

Lemme cut in and say this was not a waterproof cast and if it got soaked I would have to have it recasted.

Well, a football comes flying over to he table and crashed into the water bottle, which was open, sending water all vet the table. Thankfully, I was able to get my arm out from under it, but if I hadn't, that's a trip the the hospital! Yay! And the worst thing? They didn't apologize. They took the football and ran off.

Okay, not ass bad as the second one.

Story two: again, I was talking to TheMidnightSnack and some other friends. Ashikaga and Techno were at the table next to ours talking with... er... let's call her... Shannon. Why? That's the first girls name that popped in my head.

So "Shannon" was talking with these two and a few other people. All of a sudden, a football flies in and smacks her in the back of the head.

It wasn't hard enough to, like, give her a concussion, but it still hit her.

And once again, the little shits take the football and run away.

You just hit someone in the head with a football, and you don't care enough to apologize? Really?

13. When people think they're smarter than you

Okay, if you actually are, then yeah whatever you're just boasting. But if you're not and say you're smarted because I got one thing wrong... not to toot my own horn, but I'm in a higher math than you and have a 4.0 gpa... so...

14. When you get like four or five periods with someone you hate

Cmon, there has to be at least one person out there who knows what I'm talking about.

No, just me? Ok

Essentially, I had that douche I mentioned twice already in four classes out of seven.

15. Writer's block

It causes me to write things like this instead.

Anyways, that was fifteen pet peeves. Not even sure if half of these would be pet peeves, cause they're not things that annoy me, more so things that piss me off.

But who cares.


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