30. Tokyo Ghoul One-Shot

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It is happening again.

She is freaking out.

Tsukiyama has been standing outside her apartment door for the passed thirty minutes, trying to get Nanami to answer the door.

The reason he's here is because of a text he received thirty five minutes ago.

'Please come over, I can hear them again.'

He knows exactly what she's talking about. Her schizophrenia is acting up again, it seems to always at up at night whenever he's not there to assure her that what she hears isn't real.

He holds something in his hand that will help, but she won't let him in.

He knocks again, "Please let me in Nanami," his voice is desperate, as he is afraid she's gone and done something drastic.

Thinking this makes his heart sink, and he knocks again, "Please, I want to help you. Let me help you!" He is begging now, he just wants her to let him in so he can help her.

He lets out a sigh and rests his forehead against the coolness of her door, "Please..." his voice is a whisper, but he knows she can hear him.

He perks up and leans off the door as he hears the familiar click of the door being unlocked. He looks at her and meets her eyes as she opens the door.

She looks terrible, her hair is messed up, there are bags under her eyes, and she just looks exhausted in general.

He moves forward and wraps his arms around her in a hug, "It's alright," he says to her. "It's not real, it's okay..." his voice is a whisper as he holds her trembling body against his.

He pulls away after a little while and holds up the item in his hand, "Take one, they will help." He assures her. It's a pill bottle, he got her prescription on the way over here to help her calm down.

He leads her into the living room and pours her a cup of water before he comes back into the living room. He sits down beside her and hands her the glass of water along with one of the pills. He watches her as she takes it, and he wraps an arm around her shoulders. He leans his head down and kisses the top of her head:

"I'm right here..." he whispers, and he stays with her for the entire night.

(For -Onyxia, I got inspired/bored. I hope you liked this my friend!)

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