*Serious Subject. Random Thing No. 31. Please Read.

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*First and foremost;
This is a disclaimer/warning. If you are sensitive and or in a difficult mental/emotional state, I'm giving you fair warning. This is probably not for you. This 'Random Thing' entry will cover touchy subjects. Thank You.

To better understand where all of this suddenly came from, please watch the Youtube Video up above.
If it doesn't work, Youtube 'FBE Amanda Todd'. It IS a Teenagers React Video. But that's what makes it more important.
This video came from the Fine Bros Entertainment (FBE) channel. It was posted on November the 18th of 2012.

This IS for Attention.
BUT NOT attention on and/or for me.

This is a plea, MY PLEA, as this is something that I feel needs to be acknowledged.

As is said in the picture above, written by me, I have faith in you and I'm here for you if you need. My plea is for you to reach out, if need be.

Not only do I ask for you, if you struggle with this, to reach out but if you don't, and you think someone you talk to does have these struggles, please I beg of you to reach out to them.

I ask this because the subject today is: bullying. But not only that. Suicide.

As many of you know, these subject are not only extremely sensitive, but also largely overlooked.

Now, I myself didn't just watch the video up top. I found it a fair while ago but I just re-found it. And something inside of me broke.

Watching that video, I had the sudden realisation that most people and their problems are dismissed. For example, someone's currently being bullied. They try and talk to someone about it as more often than not, they're ignored.

But why?
Because, to others, it might not seem bad at all. Person T might have been bullied for years while this person K is having the beginning of bullying happen. It might be a little 'hiccup' to Person T. So they think this person is over-reacting.
But, to this person K, with the problem, their world might be crashing down around them.
And person K with their world crashing, tries to get help. Tries to reach out.

And what happens?
They're ignored, overlooked, dismissed.
What about after that?
Well after that, they reach out less and less, feeling like their problem, the one that shakes their world, really is insignificant.
Then they withdraw, become more quiet, keep to themselves, put up a fake persona in public.
They do these things not only to be less of a 'bother' to others, but also to protect them-self.

*another pre-warning*

And then Depression kicks in, the bullying intensifies, depression gets worse and worse, then their thoughts turn south.
They eventually, maybe not so slowly, turn from running away or moving to another town, to person K actually ending their life.

That is something that we DO NOT need. You all are absolutely beautiful souls. Each and every one of you. It shouldn't and doesn't matter what you look like, what gender you identify as, you're sexual orientation, your personality, how tall you are OR how you flippin talk.

Me? I'm average, female, straight/maybe not (debating), average to small and I have a mouth like a sailor.

But guess what?
We're all different but wanna know something else?

There is absolutely no need for the world to lose such amazing people as yourselves.

My plea is for you to reach out.
To others who might seem like they're in need and also to me if you're in need.

If you want to talk to others, the (FBE) Fine Brothers Entertainment have put links in the description of their Amanda Todd video.

You'll obviously have to Youtube Search the video but I'm sure they'll be able to help you.

I'm open 24/7 for talks.
I don't want anything happening to you

Wattpad - @Rawriplier
Instagram - @rahh_rahh
Twitter - @SeptiMooPie
Snapchat - Rae-wee
Facebook - (PM me if you'd like it.)

Please don't be a silent reader on this post. Post your thoughts. I honestly don't mind at all and really want to hear from you all.

Thank you guys so much for reading this special update.
Honestly, Thank You all so much.
I love you guys.

-Rawriplier (Rae).

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