Chapter 3

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Me: Hey guys..I'm still here.Still breathing and certainly still alive

Blackrose: Aww..I thought you did.

Me: What did you say Blackrose?I didn't quite catch that last part.

Lily: Anyway..Changing the topic..Why is your sister Bellkatheine is still here?

Me: Huh? *still confused* Owh..That..Turns out that we have a secret and deal for her to not tell my mom is for her joining in my story.Also i feel sorry for her.But I really want to thank princesshero02 for following her..

Y.S: BIG SIS!!!!*starts to rush into my room*

Me: Owh man..*my face turns pale for a minute*


Me: *mutters to myself*How did she know anyway?I thought i cover all the tracks..

Bell: *whisper to me* You forgot to zip her backpack.That's how she knows it was you..

Me: That makes  sense.*Nods to myself*


Me: Erm hello?Which dream did you got yourself into huh? I did not give the book to you

Lily: Why are they fighting?

Bell: Well..You have to see it for yourself.And besides the drama has just begun.*starts to eat a popcorn who knows where did she gets it*


Y.S: *storms out of the room*

Bell: I thought you told me that you didn't beg the book from him?*confuse*

Me: Its like this actually,You know that i always hang out with him and his younger brothers when we always go to aunties house right?

Bell: Why did you always hang out with him?

Me: Well i don't know maybe because you and y.s always playing with his new younger brother.

Bell: Hehe *scratches her neck nervously*

Me; Well  when i go to his room

bell: Wait you go to a boy's room?

Me:Hey.he is younger one year from me.So that means i have the right to go into his room.And might i say it is cleaned for a boys room..

Bell: *sweats drop*

Me; well baack to the story,

Flash back

i was going into his room and something caught my eye.It was the same book he gave to me

Me: kaito

Kaito: what?

me: Who is this book owner

Kaito: Oh, that's mine

Me: WHere did you get it

Kaito:My dad gave it to me and my siblings

me: Lucky you.I want it too

Kaito: Oh really?I'm sure there was more in the storage.I'm gonna ask him

me: Wait..Don't..I was just joking..hehe..(not really)

Kaito: Hmm..okay

Me:Let's go and play the video game your dd just bought for you.last one in is the rotten egg

Kaito: Hey!! (starts to chase me)

Flash back end

Bell: Wow.You really have no shame

Me: I know-wait hey!!

i don't need no one to tell me who i wanna be_

Me: Excuse me for a moment,i have to take this *scrolls my whats'app message*Wait what?she actually sent this message to me just for that?Hahaha..

Bell: Ooh..i wanna see

The message was

Terikifukaka: Give me back that book


Bell: Wait you call y.s that?

Me: It's my phone..I can do as i please..The problem is how am i gonna reply?

Bell:Let me do the talking sis..It is my talent for annoying people *snatches the phone out of my hand*

Me: No way..

Terikifukaka: But you're the one who gave it to me..

Me: Since when did i say that?

Terikifukaka: You just did..

Terikifukaka: Just please gave that book to me

Me:No way..You can't change my mind.And besides what will i tell kaito? I can't just say.".hey bro.oh about that book you gave me..yeah that one..I just gave it to my sister.Hope you won't be mad"

Me: It is the truth..Only an idiot person who says that so casually.

Daisy: Aren't you already are?*raises her left eyebrow*

Me: Shush..

Terikifukaka: *sends a mad emoji* Just tell him that you gave it to my birthday..

Me: Nu'uh..Its you fault for not asking him for the book..

Lily: Isn't that a bit harsh to say that?

Me: Do you even know me?

Bell: That's how we say..and besides she already get use to it..

Lily: *sweats drop*

Terikifukaka: well,why didn't you tell me about it?

Me: You're the one who always hanging out with that baby with bell.How are you supposed to know?

(I suddenly heard that my mom goes into y.s room.Which that makes my face pale again)

Me: Its rude.Imagine all the hard afford he put into that just for his best pall.

Me: Don't you dare complain this to mom *sends an angry emoji to her*

Terikifukaka: Too late.I already told her about it..Isn't it fair?You told Bell while I told mom.

Me:How did she know about that?

Tulip: That will be forever remain a mystery from the world..

Orkid: You really need to lay it of from reading too much cartoon

Tulip: hey!it's called anime. A.N.I.M.E

Orkid: Still the same

Tulip: No it isn't..anime is the japan version of cartoon..

Orkid: See..Still its the same thing.

Tulip: Urgh..Why you-

Me: Shush it you too

T&O: Whatever *crossed their arms*

Me: Whatever..Bye..tata titi tutu..pergi dulu ya?hahaha

Terikifukaka: hello! I'm Syafiqah and i am stupid

Me:*gasp* Why that little brat..

Bell: what?what? *reads the message* hahaha..she got you good..

Me: you're not!!

Bell: I know :p

Me: Then if i'm so stupid then what are you a crazy old lady?

Terikifukaka: Why you-i am not

Me: I have enough of this *blocks the number*

Blackrose: You

Bluebell: Just

Mawar: Block

Tulip: Your

Lily: Own

Daisy: Family

Sunflower: member???

Me: I don't know why everyone was so shocked about this?

Bell: yah..that's how we siblings rolls

Lily: By blocking their number O_O

B&M:Yup OwO /

Y.s :*storms into my bedroom*

Me: oh come on!! Do you even know how to knock???

Y.s: Just gave the book to me.Now tell me where did you hide it?

Me; Wow..some manners you have.No way would i tell you

Big brother: Sis just gave the book to her..Its annoying the hell out of me with the crying *yelled from the outside*

Me: *yells back* Never...Don't make me call your girlfriend

B.B: You wouldn't dare

Me: Oh.. i would..

B.B: Y.s..Just gave up is her gift anyway *tries to reason my younger sister*

Y.s; No!! I wanna have it.I want it.I want it..

B.B: i gave up..Girls are sure are confusing.If you need me i'm going out now.*goes out of the house*

Bell: *whispers to me* He has a girlfriend already?Where did you know?

Me; From his ..pfft..manly diary(giggles) I found it when i was cleaning his bedroom

Bell: Do you have it now?

Me: Yup..*give the book to her*

Bell: Sweet..*starts to read the book*

Me * i found that y.s is glaring at me* What?

Y.s: You dare ignore me? Huwaa!! *starts to cry*

Lily: Please violet.just gave the book to her

Daisy; Yeah.How do you stand with her crying?

Me: i just got used to it.And besides i love seeing y.s cry.It'z like music to my ears*smirks evilly*

Sunflower: Bell?

Bell: I have to agree with big sis..We got used to it.*says while reading the book*

My oc's : *anime fall at the statement*

Me: Are you done yet y.s?

Y.s: Urgh..*goes to another room to trash it*

Bell: Poor things in the room

Me: Yeah it didn't do anything wrong at all

Y.s: SHUT UP!!

Tune in to next chapter to know what happend next>>

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