Random Oc Stuff (mainly about Kito)

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I took heavy inspiration from the Heathers Move/Musical and the character JD

So Slade hid the face that Kito and Kita's mother was "alive" from them for years and pretty much used that as a way of controlling them. A couple years later (when they're in their late teens) they find out that their mother actually killed herself by staying inside a building that was going to blow up. So like. Yeah. The only people who know about it is of course his sister, Pandora (because he told her) and Lisa (she figured it out)

Kito named his and Pandora's daughter after his mother. Well her middle name but still. Adria heavily reminds Kito of his mother. It's kinda sad since he actually doesn't remember much of her.

Kito has a lot of issues. Most of them being because of the harsh conditions his father (and himself) put him through.

If it wasn't obvious enough, Kito deeply hates his father and wants to get revenge for how he treated him and his sister (and Andrew but won't admit it)

He actually cares about the other members. He just shows more care towards his sister,Pandora,Adria and Lisa. Pandora and Adria being the first people and Kita and Lisa being the second. (If that makes any sense)

Kito had a few scars from training with his father. The most noticeable one is across his back. He has another across his chest but is hard to see unless you really look at him.

He wishes he could spend more time with Adria and actually watch her grow up. He'll definitely be there for his grandchildren though.

This song fits him and Pandora and/or Lisa well since both women care about him.


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