My Child Horror stories

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Now let's start off with when I was youngest and not really that terrifying for me so this is when I was in kindergarten these two boys I'll call Willy and Zachary were playing and running in the bathroom and teacher didn't know that until they came out my teacher yelled at them and one the boys Zachary didn't stop and slipped on the slippery tile floor and fell face first on the floor and cracked his head open and bled I remember everyone panicking expect me and the teacher calling 911 and saying what happened and I just watched with the feeling 'that just happened' let's.lets move on to the second one shall we so the second one was when I was in first or Second grade I was at my mom's friend's house and playing ball with some of children and adults so I was REALLY small at that time and I was trying to catch the ball one the adults didn't see me and tried to catch the ball too and ended up falling and crushing me and Breaking my arm so my mom she was from Philippines and never had to deal with this situation so she thought my arm very sore or bruised so put some sort of healing Gooey thing on my arm for like bruises but when that did not work she went to my grandmother who worked at Apple Beasts (I think that was what it's called) she gave some chocolate milk and used a bandanna as a temporary cast and my mom drove me to the hospital I was in horrible pain during the car ride and the wait for the doctor and they took an x-ray and confirmed that my arm was broken they kept me in the hospital for awhile too and when I was spending 24 hours there was this guy by me that spend 24 hours with me too except he was always sleeping all the time they took him out of the room for surgery but one day he never returned to the room so when I got out of the hospital I of course was worried and asked my mom my mom what happened and she never gave me a clear answer and the months I had the cast was horrible. And that all for now I had another one but that's more of punishment now that I think of it (authors note before I broke my arm I was left handed after I broke my arm I am right handed)

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