Disventureronpa 2 but the wheel decides everyone's fate...

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Before we begin there will be two characters I'll add here.

Which are...

Logan, The Ultimate Military Cadet (OC of Werewolf)


Amelia, The Ultimate ??? (OC of Hyper)

Her talent will be revealed later...

Let's begin.

Protagonist: Yul

Support: Rosa

Antagonist: Riya

The first motive: Everyone get injected with a very slow acting poison that causes horrendous symptoms. The only way to get the cure is to kill.

*Amelia and Logan would appear*

Victim: Karol 

*She is found crushed under a tree.*

Culprit: Maggy 

*Maggy was trying to cut down a tree for some firewood when Karol wouldn't stop bugging her about something and well Maggy slapped her but hit her so hard that she hit the tree she was cutting down and it fell on her.*

Execution: (Unavoidable Accidents) Maggy was then put in a city in which things come her way to harm her, such as potholes, cars and falling things. *She barely avoids them as she ends up with some scratches or bruises, but then she ends up getting her feet stuck on some cement that quickly dries, she would almost get out as she's unable to dodge a falling iron beam that kills her.

Motive 2: Every student is given a target but it's secret. Nobody knows who's target is who's. If a student manages to kill their target, they get to leave without a trial.

Victim: Ally

*She is found with a knife stabbed to her chest, near the beach with her writing 0L1V3R in the sand*

Culprit: Oliver

*His target was Tess, but Ally saw Oliver trying to kill him, so she sacrificed herself, in which Tess ran, but Oliver was shocked on that, which he ran not even turning around to see Ally writing his name down in the sand.*

Execution: (Everything An Intern Goes Through...) Oliver wakes up as a Monokuma gives him a list of things to do for the job. So he gets on with it, he cleans the cabins, the bathroom, he even tests the challenge. Feeling exhausted, Monokuma tells him to go back to work, he is then instructed to test a dangerous challenge, where he must use dueling sticks to fight against a robot. He would manage to defeat the robot but it explodes and he falls into the water, he would then end up getting electrocuted by some of the robot parts in the water which kill him. 

Motive 3: If they successfully kill and win the trial, they are granted one wish...

Victim 1 and 2: Kai and Aiden

*Kai is found dead in the water where sharks have torn his body apart and some limbs are just floating in the ocean.*

*Aiden was found in the bathroom as his head is bleeding with the mirror broken.*

Culprit: Logan

*He really wanted to wish everyone who died to come back to life, So after he killed Kai, Aiden saw him so he ran to the bathroom, but Logan hand chopped Aiden which paralyzed him. So he was able to smash his head in the mirror hard enough to kill him.*

Execution: (Army Training) Logan would be told that if he finishes the course he'll be able to escape. So he would start by crawling through the barbed wire which cuts him a few times. Then the ladder, then continue through the other parts of the obstacle course while also getting cut by spikes. Then he would almost make it to then end but he would then be shot as Monokuma would tell him that he had such a slow time.

Motive 4: The first person to kill gets one help to make the case impossible to solve but he only does one small thing.

Victim: Connor

*He would be hanging from a tree branch as he would have blood dripping down his arms, legs, and body from a ton of cuts.*

Culprit: Yul

*He was tired of the others possibly telling him that he needs to stop being negative, to stop being rude to everyone and to possibly have some hope. So he went and decided to kill one of them, the one being Connor. The only thing Monokuma helped with is breaking one of Connor's legs to make it look like Lake did it considering her talent as a Karate Prodigy.*

Execution: (Yul's Live Dance Performance) Yul would be on a stage as a bunch of Monokuma would be ready to see him preform. So he starts his dancing, he would really try his hardest. There are some haters in the crowd as they throw things at him, but he still keeps up the dancing. He would keep going not noticing one of the lights is starting to malfunction. As one of the stage lights fall on him missing him by an inch. More head lights start to fall as some of the crowd start booing him and throwing stuff at him.  That is when someone throws a bottle that's on fire at Yul, which he catches on fire, and sets a trapdoor falling underneath as the stage catches fire which the equipment falls on the trapdoor which makes Yul unable to escape which he burns to death.

New Protagonist: James

Motive: Hallucinations will appear and the only way to get rid of them is to kill someone.

Victim: Rosa

*She is lying on the floor dead, with her neck twisted with a pool of blood around her, with a note in her pocket saying I know the traitor, it's- The rest of it is ripped out.*

Culprit: Hunter

*He was the traitor, Rosa found out but tried to run only for Hunter to stab her and then twist her neck to kill her. He would see the note as he would grab the part where it says his name and rip it off. Then hide it in a bush, it was found though.*

Execution: (Puzzle Peril) Hunter is put in a room where some text shows on the screen "The walls will keep closing unless you solve these puzzles really fast." So it starts off easy for Hunter as he starts solving each one fast, then the puzzles get harder and harder. He still manages to solve it until he then sees that the last one is 1000 pieces, so he scrambles trying to put each piece together one by one and he was so close to finishing the puzzle but the walls were getting closer which he is unable to move his arm, and the table breaks meaning he failed the challenge and he gets crushed.

New Support: Lake

Survivors: James, Lake, Amelia and Riya



You guys can come up with her execution for this.

Oh and I almost forgot, Amelia's talent is in the comments. Go check it out.

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