My thoughts on Episode 11 (Spoilers Ahead)

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Alright, so here's my thoughts on Episode 11, skip if you haven't watched Episode 11 yet.

So there's no elimination which is good, but instead someone will be returning to the game.

Alec tries to convince Jake to join him but... Jake refuses. 

Next Aiden and Tom discuss about how they need to think of a way to get rid of a villain so they don't end up losing all the heroes.

Anyways nothing much to say except the 9 eliminated contestants return to the game and they will partner against one of the remaining contestants to try and win the challenge.

The pairs being.....

Gabby with Ellie

Jake with Ashley

Tom with Miriam

Aiden with Lake

Yul with James

Grett with Hunter

Ally with Tess

Riya with Connor


Alec with Fiore

Now comes the challenge, so the first challenge is to run up and find a motorcycle to ride up to the hill.

Alec and Fiore sabotage the challenge by popping the tires of the bikes, Connor sees and gets mad, ofc Riya would defend Fiore because she's still a villain.

Anyways the people who's bikes weren't popped ended up being Ashley and Jake, James and Yul, Connor and Riya & Alec and Fiore.

Gabby and Tom carry their bikes as the others would stay to fix them.

Ashley during the ride tells Jake to try to at least think about what he does before doing something or saying something to know he's not upsetting anyone. So glad Ashley's still giving Jake one last advice before leaving.

Then comes the second challenge where they must have one person use a pulley to lower the other with the harness into the lake to get an adjustable wrench.

Ashley would be the one to pulley with Jake going down to get the wrench.

Riya would be the one to pulley with Connor going down to get the wrench.

And Yul would be the one to pulley with James going down to get the wrench.

That's when Yul says... 


Bro WTF?! That's racist as hell. 💀

I know he ain't dissing the Latina who's clearly a diva.

Yeah if I was Rosa I'd probably get a gun to shoot him.

Anyways Riya and Yul break the levers making Jake, Connor and James fall and Fiore just ends up getting the wrench helping Alec with the broken hanglider.

You would think that Fiore and Alec would win and Fiore would join...?

But... Ashley stops them with a lasso she just randomly grabbed out of nowhere and Connor manages to get up by climbing the rope.

Connor would then grab Riya taking him with her to fly on the hanglider. And well they both win immunity and Connor rejoins the game.

There were a ton of good moments in this episode, especially the goodbye scenes. 

I'm so glad Connor joined, he didn't make it far in his first try, so his second try won't be so bad.

That's all.

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