Ranking the Contestants in All Stars

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I was supposed to finish this Wattpad chapter before Episode 20 but Episode 20 already came and I just had to watch it.

I won't put any spoilers this chapter because this is only how they were up to Episode 19.

Now I got some rules to go by.

1. So as this is the recent season, I must prevent myself from talking about how they was last season, considering that I'm only talking about how they were this season.

2. I have to consider how they grew and developed throughout the season.

3. I must consider the pros and cons of their actions.

Now for Number 18.... Can you guys guess my least favorite character?

If you guessed Yul you'd be correct

18. Yul

Now Yul here is not really a good character, as he is racist, sexist, and I suppose homophobic.  I mean he had a relationship with Grett until she broke up with him during his elimination episode. So then... later in the recent episode he's been thinking about stuff when James comes to him suggesting he'd apologize to Grett. During his confessional he had a bit of a think and well he was gonna apologize to Grett, but finds an idol while walking down the stairs and tripping over it, which he grabs the idol and forgets about the apology. Like bro is a greedy and cold hearted man.

17. Alec

Alec started the game strong as he made the villain's alliance, with the 5 other antagonistic people in the game. And he was doing good although he didn't manage to save Fiore from her elimination, he did have some great moments like bullying Yul with Riya and winning the challenges in Episode 10 and 12. Another reason on why he's at the bottom is because he said that when he was still married, that he never loved his son like for real, bro why?! He then started to become less of a leader and more of a follower to Riya. But at least he made things up with Connor at the end.

16. Fiore

Honestly she didn't have much of a story in this season since people know she's a manipulative evil genius. I mean sure she had some moments where she acted savage but that's mostly all. I did love the fact she roasted Yul twice, but I honestly expected her to be eliminated before the merge.

15. Riya

Ok so Riya making the finale twice sounds nuts. I mean bruh, the fact she was given so much plot armor and never gotten voted out is insane. So she here is two faced, she acts like this mean queen who is villainous and usually messes with others, but she also sometimes regrets her actions. Now she did help Grett a bit by telling her to stand up to Yul. And she did manage to strategize her way to the finale, and I can give her that, but she still ain't a good person.

14. Miriam

Honestly, there's not much to talk about her, I mean she doesn't have much of a story, I mean she was just there to help Jake and Tom make up and to also help others. I mean she did manage to find out about the villain's alliance, then share it with Connor so he can write letters to the other teams. But yeah, her early elimination was necessary.

13. Hunter

So during the early episodes, I wasn't really rocking with Hunter because he was being mean to Fiore even though she's a villain. But he did manage to improve after he and Tess managed to help her realize that you can't always worry about hate comments, because there's a chance this hater is someone you never met. Overall he's a lit character. 

12. James

Honestly just like Miriam, James didn't have much of a story and his elimination was necessary. I mean there wasn't much to say about him in the first and second episode, but in Episode 11 and 19, he teams up with Yul and helps him so he could be a better person, which just doesn't work. He then is chose to work with Jake for Aiden, because even though he dislikes Jake, he still supports his boyfriend's wishes.

11. Lake

Lake seems like the person to have potential, but of course she was eliminated early, but she did seem to help Aiden realize Jake isn't such a bad person once you get to know him. She also had a great friendship with Ashley and a solid friendship with Tess, which makes her great.

10. Ashley

Now she was a decent character, and I love how despite her snapping at Jake and Ally twice, she still managed to keep a positive opinion about them and is proud on how both of them made the finale. Now, she also seemed like someone who could make the finale but I guess she had to be eliminated early merge just so Connor can come along.

9. Tess

So as you know Tess was a really good character known to help others, as she managed to vote out Ellie before the game and the money controlled her brain, she managed to help Gabby a bit after she is sad about Ellie's elimination. I loved how well she took her elimination. I also loved how she helped Ally realize that hate comments don't usually matter. So yeah.

A/N: So yesterday I was working on this last night, that I noticed I've been on my IPad for 12 hours, so I decided to work on this today, so yeah I'll try to get this done before the new episode comes.

8. Ellie

At first, I didn't really rock with Ellie considering how she betrayed Lake in Episode 2 and tried to make it look like Aiden and Tom are a couple to upset Jake in Episodes 6 and 7. I was quite happy when she got eliminated, but she has been improving herself and realizing that she could be making friends and not worrying about finances for now. And I like how she's been helping Gabby with trying to make it far in the game. Overall, Ellie went from Disliked to Liked for me.

7. Ally

Ok so Ally is great and decent. I'm loving how she's going through the competition, yeah she and Jake have beef, and yeah she left Jake in the cave with the bear. But honestly she worked hard to get to the finale, and I saw in the trailer that she and Jake could be making up so I think their fights will end soon.

6. Grett

Grett has glowed up from someone following Yul's orders to being an icon and giving Yul the karma he deserves. Although I think grilling Yul's face sounds a bit harsh. But anyways Grett is a great character and honestly I think she could've been a good finalist, but then she got eliminated for being a big threat, and I guess that's fair, but I still think we could've had a Grett, Ally and Jake finale. 

5. Gabby

Gabby was an awesome character! I love how she decided to go to the villain's alliance after Ellie's elimination, I'm just glad she helped Grett stand up for Yul. Her friendship with Grett was lit and she was a great character for the show. She is the true winner of Disventure Camp.

4. Connor

Connor was kinda bland before the merge. But when he rejoined he helped the heroes vote together, managed to help the other contestants and managed to maintain a positive attitude towards Jake and Ally even if they had their beef. 

3. Tom 

Tom was a goofy fellow and always willing to try his hardest, now I get that he shouldn't have lied to Jake about the "fake boyfriend" but... he's improving slowly. And he did have a decent placement, so I'm just glad for that.

2. Aiden

Aiden was a lovable character. I mean let's be fr when James got eliminated, he developed into his own character, and seeing Jake and Aiden's friendship was awesome. He made it so far, but I guess got eliminated.

And finally...

My number 1 favorite character is.....


1. Jake

So I know Jake had his ups and downs, especially his downs in Episodes 2, 8, 10 & 18 and his ups in 6, 8, 9, 13 & 15 but he's still an awesome character. And I know it surprises you that because he survived so many eliminations that others had to be eliminated because of his plot armor, but that never stopped me from loving him. He had great friendships, great scenes, some interesting lines, and a unique backstory, if I'm correct. And well even though I'm rooting for Ally, I think Jake has an equal shot of winning too.

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