Ranking the Contestants of Season 1

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So here is me ranking the Disventure Camp Season 1 contestants based on my opinion on them.

I made some rules to rank them fairly...

1. I must rank them based off on their season. So I can't talk about All Stars.

2. I have to consider on how they really grew in the season and how they developed.

3. I must consider both pros and cons of their actions.

Now let's get started...

14 - Nick

Ok let's start off with Nick, he was a decent character. He had an interesting plot and he was well in the challenges. Although... the reason I ranked him last was probably in Episode 4 of Disventure Camp. In the episode, Fiore burns Ashley's bag, her hat and Nick's cashmere sweater in their team's camp fire. When Fiore comes and sees the group, she then makes up a lie saying that Lil was the one who burned their things. Which Nick takes her side and gets mad at Lil thinking she did it after Will was eliminated. So due to that he ended up getting eliminated with a vote of 3-2-1, In my opinion he never even reconsidered if what Fiore told him was a lie or not. He just isn't my cup of tea so that's why I ranked him last. At least he realized he was a fool for this gameplay in the final episode of Disventure Camp.

13 - Will

In Episode 2, Fiore was trying to convince Will to come ride the log down the hill to finish the challenge. But of course Will's fear of heights was keeping him from doing the challenge and Fiore just had enough of Will in which, she slapped some sense into him literally and metaphorically. Even if Fiore didn't do that he still would've been the first voted off the game. But in the finale he managed to get over some fears which is great development from him and his relationship with Ashley by then was beautiful. Y'all might be asking why I didn't put Will last on this list is mostly because of his development. Nick didn't show any in the season. So I just assumed that if I'm following my rules, Nick should be last and Will should be after him in my opinion.

12 - Dan

Dan was just your everyday NPC, a person you see in school and your fellow citizen of your state. He was a decent character and had a very great plot. He made an alliance with Tom, Drew, and Jake to vote out one of the girls that being Gabby. However Gabby was quite upset and just didn't want anything to do with him, he did apologize to her in Episode 6 but in Episode 7 he wants her to vote for Ellie when Ellie was her closest companion and friend than anyone else, honestly her using the idol to save Ellie was understandable considering how he was trying to get the team team  to vote off Ellie.

11 - Lil

Ok so Lil is an ok character... She made an alliance with Will, Nick and Ashley but... the alliance ended up being destroyed by Fiore in 3 different episodes. But anyways Lil did a great job finding about Fiore's plans with Ashley and exposing her. 

10th - Ashley

Ashley was my favorite character from the purple team alliance. Like I said with Lil, she did a great job exposing Fiore's plans. 

9th - Ellie

Ok now Ellie had a great arc, she did everything in her favor to make sure she stays in the game and make it to the finale. She's a great character and maybe a good villain, but there are some reasons on why I dislike her, I mean she kinda broke up Jake and Tom just so she can make it farther in the game. In Episode 11 she snaps at Jake after he kept bothering her with all the stuff he hates on her. Yes some of the stuff she said to Jake was true, but she went too far by telling him to "eat shit and die" and then at the end of it she told him that "if he wasn't so annoying his ex wouldn't of cheated on him." Like you gotta be fucking kidding me Ellie! 

8th - Drew

Drew was one of the wholesome-st characters of the first season. I mean he never got in any drama and I just love him writing his words down whenever he needs to talk. It's too bad he got eliminated so early, he could've made merge but I guess they have their reasons. 

7th - Alec

Alec was a good villain, I mean he managed to stick with Fiore throughout the whole season until F4. I kinda put him 7th place because he told Fiore he wished his son was more like her. Like that's cold man...

6th - Grett

Grett was an ok character for me though she was quite mean to Gabby and kinda exposed Tom's spy job to Jake. But... She has an interesting backstory to why she's acting like this. Let's be fr, who doesn't like Grett's badass exit?

5th - Jake

Ok so I know that Jake to most of y'all who watched season 1 was quite hated due to Episodes 6, 7, 10 and 11. But I don't hate him. I feel like people just hate Jake without looking at his reasons on why he acts like this. To be specific Jake mentions that he was in a terrible relationship with his ex which he can't necessarily fully trust someone like Tom especially if he lied to him before. And let's be honest he did reconsider that Ellie was lying and was planning on telling Tom but Ellie prevented him from that. But anyways moving on from the stuff, Jake was a great character in some of the episodes, he's entertaining, amazing and funny. At least Tom and Jake made up by the finale.

4th - Fiore

A child as a manipulative villain is awesome. She was really funny and quite amusing, the fact she managed to get rid of most of the cast was some good gameplay and I love it. She did help Grett and Alec realize they can't fix their problems with their loved ones even if they win Disventure Camp. She was a little annoying but I still loved her.

3rd - Gabby

Ok there's no way y'all can dislike Gabby, she slayed this season! Her snapping at Greet was awesome even though I like Grett, her saving Ellie from being eliminated she ate that up, her helping Tom so they both can make sure the hosts Trevor and Derek get caught and giving Derek a black eye, lit! There's nothing that could make me dislike her! For real!

2nd - Miriam

Ok let's be fr, Miriam started off as some cranky old woman, but after learning about her past she became likable. Jake and Miriam had the best arc. She was quite funny, and she is talented. The fact she never got one elimination vote against her was so cool! I'm glad she won the season! For Jake and Tom! 

And finally....

1 - Tom

Ok Tom had an amazing storyline throughout Disventure Camp! So basically it starts with him wearing a hoodie and mask, and Jake wanting to know what he looks like without the hoodie or mask. And then he started to become a unique character, then he gets exposed for his job and gets fired. To be honest he could've lied about it, but I can't change the season. I know his play on the idol was terrible but... he was in a tough decision. The episode when Tom reveals the scars on his face and let me just say he looks handsome~ I mean I'm glad they showed what he looks like without the mask. And when he managed to get Miriam's money back and defeat Jensen once in for all, super epic! He might've not won the season, but I know he won in my eyes.

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