Ryou's Incorrect Quotes 16 (TDxDC AU Edition)

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*Hunter would be buried in sand up to his neck as his head faces the ocean*

Hunter: I'm the sand guardian, guardian of the sand.

Alec: Posideon quivers before him!

Hunter: F—K OFF! *He would yell to the ocean*

*Duncan asked to sing a Christmas song be like:*

Duncan: Why are you making me sing? I hate singing.

Duncan: When do I come in? I don't- aha~ *Starts singing "All I want for Christmas is You"*

Noah: Two shots of vodka. *He would pour a whole amount of vodka*

Tom: So how was the pasta?

Sierra: Oh, it was great. Send my compliments to the chef.

Tom: Alright.

Tom: Hey chef!

Jake: Yeah?

Tom: You have beautiful eyes.

Jake: ^////////^

*Gabby would be dancing to the song Two of Hearts with a chicken on her shoulder as the chicken would fly off*

(Blainley after she healed from her injuries during World Tour)

Blainley: Hey everybody, today Chris robbed me of my million. 

Blainley: So I'm starting a kickstarter to put him down.

Blainley: The benefits of killing him would be, I would be a better host for the show.

James: Objection your honor!

Aiden: What is it?

*James would smack his lips as Aiden would smirk*

Aiden: Overrule!

Izzy: I saw you hanging out with Kaitlyn yesterday!

Leshawna: But Izzy, it's not what you think!

Izzy: I won't hesitate b-tch! *Shoots her with a fake gun with soft bullets*

Alejandro: Well, if it isn't Lindsay, The Dumb Princess...

Lindsay: But it is me.

Alejandro: No it's an expression.

Lindsay: Your thirst trap tricks won't work on me.

*Ellie holding a yellow crayon*

Ally: Ellie! Is that a weed?

Ellie: No, this is a crayon-

Ally: I'm calling the police!

*Ally dials 911 on a microwave*

???: 911 what's your emergency?

Ellie: O_O

*Riya seeing Jake and Aiden relaxing in their hot tub*

Riya: Two bros sitting in a hot tub~ *She would whisper sing to herself*

Riya: Five feet apart 'cause they're not gay.

Courtney: I'm coming out. 

Gwen: *gasp*

Courtney: As my favorite Diana Ross song.

Gwen: *sigh*

Courtney: Because it reminds me of how gay I am.

Gwen: Gosh d-mn.

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