Writing Headcanons... Part 3 (Jake Angst)

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Ok so I will be writing my own headcanons about Jake and some angst about it.

There will also be some headcanons from Hyper and Rubi. But anyways let's get started...

(TW: Attempted Suicide, Death Suggestion and Self Harm, if this upsets you I suggest leaving this chapter but if you read this, try watching something calming after.)

- After Season 1, Jake sees a ton of hate comments on the internet and he just can't help but cry because of his mistakes and how he ended up losing Tom over it.

- He cuts his arms with a razor blade because he hates himself and thinks people would be more happier without him.

- He thinks Tom not talking to him for two years was karma for Season 1.

- He then ended up meeting with this Ellie fan and he was also a hater of him, in which he told him to kill himself.

- He once tried to drown himself in a lake during All Stars but Tom saw him and pulled him asking what he was doing. He then said he was practicing to hold his breath longer.

- He also tried to use Ashley's rope to hang himself after she forgot it at the camp, but Trevor just saw him doing it and stopped him.

- He wants to apologize to Tom for everything bad that happened in Season 1 between them even though he thinks he won't forgive him. 

So yeah that's all, let me know what I should write headcanons about next and if it should be fluff, angst or NSFW?

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