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"Excuse me? But can you point me in the direction of the-" "Go away kid." A troll said before walking away. I sighed and looked down. Why are these trolls so rude?! I thought to myself before kicking a rock. "Ow! Hey, who threw that?!" I looked up and I saw Draal, the son of the former trollhunter. I gasped and I ran up to him. "I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" I exclaimed looking up at him while squeezing my book. "Who do you think you are?" Draal asked with venom in his voice. I flinched. "I-I'm (Y-Y/N). D-Daughter of (F-F/N) a-and (M-M/N)." I stuttered as I started to shake a little. "Why did you throw a rock at my head?" Draal barked at me. I flinched again trying to hold back tears. "I-it w-was an a-accident!" I stuttered out while looking down.

Draal picked up the rock from before and dropped it on my head. I started to blink back tears as I felt eyes staring at me. "Sorry. That was an accident." Draal said before walking away. I looked back up as tears fell down my face and watched Draal walk away. I glared at him. "Rude piece of.." I mumbled under my breath as I wiped my eyes. I sighed and started to walk around trollmarket again. I walked into this one place to grab a drink and I saw Draal in there. I ignored him and ordered my drink I then sat down at a table and started to read my book while I waited. "Here ya go dear." The nice lady troll said handing me my drink. "Thank you." I said while handling her my payment.

I took a sip of my drink and continued to read my book. "Ahem!" I looked up and I saw Draal. I flinched and backed up. "Would you like to go out with me?" Draal asked with a deadpan expression. I could hear other trolls in the background start to laugh. I then glared at Draal and looked back at my book. "No thank you." I said as I continued to read my book. "Sigh, please?" Draal asked. I slammed my book on the table and glared at Draal again. "Why should i?!" I shouted. Draal backed up a little and the place went quiet. "Sigh, leave me alone." I said as I continued to read my book. Draal walked away from my table and went back over to the other trolls. I took another sip of my drink and turned the page of my book. I finished my drink and left with my book in hand.

I started to walk around trollmarket again before stopping by an art store. "Hello. May I have some paper and a couple of pens?" I asked the troll at the booth. "Sure thing kid." The troll said before walking into the back of the shop. "Hello again." I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around and I saw Draal. "Stop following me. It's creepy." I said turning back around and waiting for my paper and pens. "It's apart of a dare. It's not like I want to follow you around." Draal said standing beside me. "You're the son of the trollhunter, you don't have to do a stupid dare. Thank you." I said as I paid the troll at the booth and then walked away with my things in hand.

"But this is a risky dare. If I don't do it then one of my biggest secrets will get out!" Draal said with venom in his voice. "It's your fault for trusting them with your secret." I said as I started to walk around trollmarket. "What's your problem?!" He shouted. I stopped and he stopped as well. I slowly turned my head towards him and my eye twitched. "My problem? My problem?! You're the one who was being rude towards me after I apologized! And instead of being a man and excepting my apology! You decided to push it and hurt me!" I shouted at Draal. "I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't thrown that stupid rock at me!" Draal shouted back. "You shouldn't have done that and should've just accepted my apology!" I shouted back.

Draal flinched and backed up a little. "Just because you're the trollhunters son, doesn't mean I'm gonna treat you any differently then any other troll here. Treat other's the way you wanna be treated. You treated me very rudely so I assumed you wanted me to do it back to you. Common sense Draal." I said before walking away. I heard trolls oo, and aa as I walked away I sighed and ran the rest of the way home. I opened my door and shut it. I then placed my books down and went to go draw in my room. I sighed as I sat down at the desk in my room. "What a day.." I mumbled to myself as I began to draw.


"Hello and how may I help you?" A troll asked as I stood there. "Hi. I was wondering if you have any galaxiom crystals." I said while squeezing the strap of my satchel. The troll nodded and pulled a galaxiom crystal out of his apron. I smiled as I admired the crystal. "Before I purchase such a beautiful crystal, could you tell me how you got it?" I asked pulling a notebook out along with a pen. "I like your style kid! It was on the battlefield. I was running to help out a fellow troll and I stumbled across it. It took hours before I could escape with this beauty in hand!" The troll exclaimed as it held the crystal up.

I smiled and I started to right vigorously in my notebook. "How much would you like for it?" I asked as I put my notebook back in my satchel. "Since I like ya. It's on the house." The troll said handing me the crystal. "R-Really?! Oh thank you so much!" I exclaimed before walking away from the booth. I admired the crystal as I walked around trollmarket I then accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" I asked while holding my hand out to the troll with four arms. "Yes I'm fine." The troll said before taking my hand. I then realized my crystal was gone. "Oh no! Where could it have gone?" I said to myself while looking around.

"Do you mean this?!" The four armed troll exclaimed holding up the crystal. "Yes! That's it!" I exclaimed taking the crystal out of his hand. "A galaxiom crystal! How marvelous! It is not only known for it's beautiful features but it's incredible power!" The four armed troll said while observing the crystal. "Exactly! My name is (Y/N) (L/N). And yours?" I asked holding a hand out. "Blinkous Galadrigal! But you may call me Blinky. It is nice to meet someone else with the same interests as myself!" Blinky said while shaking my hand. "Tell me about it. It's just a rock (Y/N). Nothing special. Or you're such a nerd." I said while mocking other trolls. Blinky chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"May I ask what you're using this crystal for?" Blinky asked while placing a hand on his chin. "I've been going around trollmarket and asking about stories and other information about these kinds of crystals. Once I have all the information I need, I'll open a magic shop or a medicine shop." I said pulling my notebook out of my satchel and showing it to Blinky. "How long have you been doing this exactly?" Blinky asked while he flipped threw the pages of my notebook. "A couple of years actually." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. "If you want more information about these crystals I have some books that can help you!" Blinky said while closing my notebook and smiling at me.

"You are welcomed to come with me and borrow some if you wish." Blinky added while handing my notebook back to me. I smiled and nodded. "Marvelous! Let's get going then!" Blinky exclaimed before grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him. This is gonna be fun.. I thought to myself while smiling.


"Your stance is all wrong Keyloy! Bend your knees and hold your spear up more!" I shouted at my little brother while we trained in the forge. "Ok! Just stop bossing me around!" Keyloy shouted back while he bent his knees and held his spear up. "That's better. Now, come at me with everything you got!" I exclaimed while gripping my spear. Keyloy then threw his spear at me and then started to run towards me. I dodged the spear and knocked Keyloy to the ground pointing my spear in between his eyes. "Sigh, Keyloy.." I said looking at Keyloy with sad eyes. Keyloy huffed and stood up before running out of the forge. I sighed again before picking his spear up.

I then started to walk out of the forge and look around for Keyloy. "Excuse me. But have you seen a troll around here with gray skin and only three arms?" I asked a troll walking by. "Yeah. The kid ran into the tavern." The troll said pointing at the tavern. "Thank you." I said before running into the tavern. As soon as I walked into the tavern I saw Keyloy talking to the former trollhunters son. I started walking up to him before he started to talk to Draal. "Please train me! You're one of the best warriors in trollmarket and my sister is possibly the worst teacher ever!" I stopped in my tracks and sighed. "Keyloy." I said in a stern voice.

He jumped a little and turned around. "What do you want?" He asked while crossing his upper arms. "Sigh, we need to go home." I said rubbing my forehead. "No thanks. I'm staying here." Keyloy said. "Keyloy. Just because of one screw up doesn't mean you have to fuss about it. Now c'mo-" I was cut off when I felt something splash me in the face. "The kids staying with me." Draal said while chuckling at me. I then heard Keyloy start to laugh to. I sighed and wiped my face off. "Fine." I said before walking out of the tavern. I then heard a pair of feet running up behind me. I turned around and I was met face to face with a big troll with a green main.

"Uhm.. Hello." I said moving a strand of hair out of my face. The big troll smiled at me and then handed me a napkin. "Draal mean." The troll said while he watched me clean my face off. I giggled and nodded. "Argh." The troll said while pointing at himself. I cocked a brow before realizing that he was talking about himself. "Oh. I'm (Y/N)." I said while holding a hand out. Argh smiled and shook my hand. "Argh got to go now. Bye!" Argh exclaimed before running back into the tavern. I smiled to myself and looked down at the napkin in my hands. Until we meet again. I thought to myself before walking back home.

I hope you guys like these! Tbh, the Argh one is my favourite-
But if you guys have any suggestions then please feel free to tell me!

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