Art Theft

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Hey guys

This is a more serious updated chapter, so bare with me

Don't worry, I'll post other updates at the end of this chapter


Yesterday I finished a drawing and posted it on Instagram. I'm not really famous or anything, I have less followers there than here, but my art is still seen by a lot of people. I don't get many comments, but when I do, they're usually very nice ^^


Today was different

So I finished watching Captain America: the Winter Soldier (I love the movie too much, it's so well done 😆) and I go look at the notifications on my tablet (which is where I have Snapchat and Instagram— I don't have those on my phone for data reasons)

I answer my snap notifs first, and then I saw the Instagram notifications. I saw the likes and a few comments that I got. There was even one that said that they don't ship the ship I drew but that I did a good job. It made me happy 😂

But then I just see a random comment saying "Not my ship."

Now, okay, if it's not your ship and that's all you're gonna say, what's the point of commenting anyway? Seriously, it kinda pissed me off. I was gonna reply, but I decided not to because I didn't wanna start an argument.

And that's when I decided to see what they ship, so I went on their profile.

I was shocked and pissed.

So uh.. you guys know that Drake meme with like the "ugh I don't approve this" and "yeah this is the shit" images? Like he's shooing away one image and then nodding in approval in another?

This dude had the audacity to make a meme out of my drawing without asking for my permission to use the drawing and used it as hate. They put my drawing in the "I don't approve" part, and then their literally crack ship of Blaze and fucking Isabelle from Animal Crossing (I literally have no idea where the ship came from) in the "I approve" part. Didn't even credit me for my own drawing.

And that's when I saw a long comment under it

And it belonged to Shaye

Can I just say something real quick? Shaye, Sophie, I love you two so much, thank you for backing me up and helping me through this. Thanks for letting me know even when I found out myself 😂


Shaye's comment criticized what the person did with my art— they took it without permission, didn't credit me, and even worse, made a hate meme of it.

Sophie and Shaye both messaged me, and they both informed me about this. Sophie dmed the person and told them to take down the post, and meanwhile, Shaye was also informing me on what was happening on her end.

What pissed me off, though, was that this person also had the audacity to call Shaye a boomer. Shaye just said "they called me a boomer on their story" and I'm like "... alright time to report somebody—"

So uhh


Not only did they perform art theft and made hate of it, but they also made fun of Shaye for doing what's right and telling them what they did was wrong.

So that's when I stepped up individually and replied to the story saying "Hey dude, I really don't appreciate you taking my art without my permission (etc etc...), and it's not okay to insult people for backing up the artist you hurt. Do me a favor and never do this again. Take down the post, please, thank you, and have a nice day."

Thankfully they took it down.

But what did I learn from this?

Art theft can happen to anyone, and it can be in many forms, too. The one I most commonly thought of was the kind of theft that passed the art off as their own. But in my situation, the person just used my art without my permission for a hate meme.

I honestly didn't think this would happen to me since I'm not famous or anything and my art isn't super popular. But yet here we are.

So to anyone that does art... please watch for these things 😅 Make sure people ask you for permission before they use your art.


As for other updates....

I'm almost done with chapter 10 of the 06 rewrite. I'm very close to getting to the Final Story, so as soon as I'm done, I will begin editing and all the people that volunteered to help with the chapter art will be able to choose chapters to draw art for ^^

I really wanna thank everyone who volunteered once again, by the way 😂

I dunno if I'm gonna redraw the cover or not... my art style changed a lot since February, which is when I drew the cover... I'm still debating on it XD

Should I keep it? Should I change it? Idk anymore 😂


Art book. That will be updated this week for sure XD I've been doodling a lot 😂👍🏻

As for ATSC... I really wanna get it done before my birthday but I can't find the motivation to

Speaking of which, my birthday's next Monday o-o

Sweet sixteen babyyyyyy ;-;;

Too bad quarantine exists—


As for Short Stories....

I dunno how long it's gonna take me to finish anything that's in there 😂

That's all I got

Sorry for not updating a lot, my life is busy atm and shit's been happening... idk..

But yeah

There ya go

Don't steal art, guys 👍🏻

See ya 👋🏻

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