Con time? 👀

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Hey guys

Before I get to updates on my life and books, I jus have a quick thought that came to mind— kinda has to do with the vent from last chapter

Does anyone ever feel like that if you vent, people are gonna assume you're putting blame on someone else and victimizing yourself?

... and whenever I vent about people, I always feel shitty about it bc I don't like talking badly about people, but sometimes I just don't know how to handle a situation and I need to get those feelings out or it'll just eat me up from inside.

But then I feel like shit for talking badly about them, and at the same time good to get it out..

But I don't want my opinions to influence others

You get what I'm saying?

If not, it's fine, I get it.  I'm bad at putting my thoughts forward, anyway.

Alright, now that I got that out of the way, updates

I've been really fucking busy.

It's my junior year, meaning all of these exams this year mean the most. I just had my SATs last week or two weeks ago, I can't remember. I'm gonna be having the speaking part of my Matura (my Polish school final exam) on Saturday (and I have no idea what I'm doing).

Even better, the week after Matura I have Studiówka, which is basically prom for all Polish schools in my area (the thing is, it's normally be in January 100 days before the Matura, hence its name— stu = 100, dniu = day (not exact translations but the parts' bases translate to that)), and then the week OF studniówka, I have two AP exams (APUSH and chem) and the next week I have my AP Lang exam :'))

And then the final exams in general 🤧

So yeah, pretty busy

I've also started driving recently. I have my permit, so I guess I needa wait till December of next year to take the actual test. Hopefully I have enough practice by then— I need to get 50 hours done, anyway.

As for artwork, I've been losing motivation bc of the amount of wips I have.

I have to work on three birthday gifts (one I tomorrow, the others are a week overdue), I have a comic to finish (I did the flat colors, so hopefully shading will bring me more joy), and I have four more open collabs I'd like to color (for practice of course).

I feel like I've also been doodling humans more just to get their proportions right. I think that's a good thing, but I don't want to lose my passion of drawing Sonic characters because I genuinely enjoy drawing them.

Who knows what'll happen :/

Oh! Another thing

I think I know in what direction I'd like to take my "career."

I really want to try voice acting. It's really calling to me for some reason— it just seems so fun and like something I'd like doing. I wouldn't be Tom Holland famous, but my name would be recognized, y'know? I don't wanna be extremely famous and I don't want to have simps— not that anyone would simp for me anyway😂— but I do want to have some fans I guess. It'd also be cool to hear people do impressions of characters I could voice.

I dunno, it just seems so fun to me, but I never was a part of theater or anything like that. I'd probably have to take specific classes then, but I just don't have the time to look at colleges o.O

If not that, then my second choice is probably art or animation obviously. I don't know if I have the patience for animation, but it would be a dream to draw comic covers or posters or something. Drawing for IDW would be sick 😂

But who knows what'll happen. If all goes accordingly, I'm gonna be taking AP Studio Art next year. It could help me build a portfolio if I do intend on going into an art career. While voice acting is #1 for me right now, I'd love to do art and earn money for doing something I love :')

Speaking of, I'd like to open commissions sometime soon. I don't know when. My dad's actually getting bank accounts for my sister and me tomorrow I think, so maybe I'll be able to plan something then.

I probably won't open them for a bit though since I have a lot of other drawings on my mind. But I'm really looking forward to it!

I really do hope that by making money off of my drawings, I'll be able to pay for my own things more. Maybe I'll be able to buy gifts for people myself without needing my parents to lend me money. I'll be able to make my own cosplays 🤣🤣


Uhhh... I don't know yet, it's most likely a yes though. I may or may not be going to Anime Midwest—👀 (it's an anime convention)

My friend's already willing to help me with cosplays 😂

What's funny is I'm not even into anime 😂 luckily for me though, I do like some games with the art style, like Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem— 👀

But yeah! It'd be my first convention if I go, so hopefully that'll be fun :D

I might go as Kagero from FE Fates bc Claudia told me I'd look best in her outfit (especially since I have similar hair)... which incinerated about since I don't know shit about Fire Emblem Fates, I just like the characters— so if someone recognizes me, I'd just be all like "uHHH" 😂

Another suggestion Claudia came up with was dressing up in our Avatar outfits I drew for us once (I'm a firebender, she's an airbender in case you don't know/remember). That's also a cool idea, but I feel like mine would be much harder to make 😂😅

A part of me REAAAAALLY wants to do a FE3H or a Dragon Prince one, but I don't have an idea of who 😭

And I would go as Pit, but that was my crappy Halloween costume for two years straight XD it's incomplete because soMEONE RUSHED IT *cough* mom—

It still looks decent though, it's just not "con" material I'd say (it can fall apart easily)

But yeah, so I'm definitely planning all that. Again, it's very likely we're going, but I really hope mom lets Claudia and me buy the badges :>


I think I ran out of life updates, so time for book updates

Again, since I'm super busy, no progress is being made on any of them.

The 06 Rewrite is FINISHED. I think I mentioned this.. but I still need to get the chapter art done 😅 (SHAYE WE NEEDA GET OUR ASSES GOING GJKSJSNR)

ATSC might come to a close. I don't have the energy to keep writing it, especially with the amount of comments I receive every time. The last update was so long ago, and I feel terrible for leaving my audience lingering. I want to at least close loose ends— like finally get Silver or Amy to confess and throw in some characters that people have asked for.

Broken Heroes (the codename for the Forces Sequel as of right now) is still being developed as a whole. If I ever write the full story, I'd like it to be fully organized so I don't branch off into weird directions with it :/

My Art Book is probably gonna have another gap before I update again 😅 I'm just too lazy :'>

Alright... that's all I got

I'm sorry I don't update so much anymore, there's just so much going on right now 😅

See ya guys ^^👋🏻

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