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I know this isn't an update about a book or anything

Like I said, this book isn't JUST for book updates, it's also about wtf is happening


We all know the shitty situation right now

The coronavirus is spreading insanely, like it's scary

I know that the death rate is low (3.4% mortality rate of infected people as of March 3rd) but the effects of the spreading is still insane

During chemistry, my friends and I were just talking and working on our work, and all the sudden the teacher gets up and says,

"Guys, listen carefully. I just received an email from the office, here are the following events that are gonna be cancelled..."

And she rattles off all the things that are cancelled

Oh my god

Several field trips, tournaments, and even in-school events are cancelled.

The choir and orchestra were supposed to go to Disney over spring break, but it was all cancelled. The Spanish class's field trip to Spain is also cancelled, and then all of those tournaments and debate competitions are all just cancelled.

I feel so bad for everybody who was going to be a part of all of those trips, like damn, coronavirus, why??

2020 is by far the worst year right now because of this


Yeah things aren't going great around here

Apparently, some kid in one of the schools in my sister's district (in elementary school) was in Italy and caught the virus... he's not allowed to go to school for two weeks, but he's already been in school for two days.

So now I'm already scared, because kids show almost no symptoms for the virus.

And my next door neighbor goes to that school

And she's good friends with Natalie

So if Natalie gets it....

She could get the rest of my family sick

I really don't want that

Seriously though, I feel like America is overreacting. Sure, the government and WHO (world health organization) are doing the right things and taking the right precautions, but dear god are the citizens acting like animals

Literally there were people at a local store that were fighting over toilet paper

My mom went shopping for a bunch of shit today, and she said that stores were literally crowded and people were taking bread from others... my mom wanted to get a lot of bread but only got one loaf

People are panicking way too much

Sure, be scared, but don't over exaggerate the fear

If only the entire world could watch Doctor Mike. His motto for the whole thing is, "Alert, Not Anxious"

I'll show a video he made..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

So yeah

I stay updated with this dude because dear god some people can reeeeally over exaggerate

I'm hoping he makes another update soon with all the crazy shit that's been happening all over the world recently

I've heard Tom Hanks has the virus, and the NBA stuff, March Madness, several parades, and sooooo many things are just cancelled. Italy is literally on lockdown from what I've heard, and apparently Trump is gonna cancel all incoming flights from Europe for 30 days. I don't know if any of this is true, it's just what I've heard.

So people who say "This is gonna be my year!! uwu" on New Year's, don't ever fucking say that. It never will be, because there's literally no chance of a perfect life. There will be shitty things that happen, and you can possibly jinx it.

A great fucking start to the decade, and it's been almost three months. Like my god

Who ever ate that raw fucking bat or whatever it was in Wuhan (or however you spell it) China, y'all are fuckin' idiots.



If I did have to add in some book updates, it would have to be that I'm halfway done with the next ATSC chapter. Hopefully it'll come out this weekend at the latest.


See ya guys. Don't panic— Alert, not anxious. Take care ❤️

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