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It was Shaye's birthday yesterday.

Yes, yes I did wish her on time, I drew her a thing for her birthday so I made sure I didn't miss it 😂


I forgot to write out a chapter delivering a proper birthday message 😂

SO Shaye_Serena 


Words cannot express how much you mean to me. We only knew each other for maybe a little over a year, but I feel like it's been a lifetime.

We went through so much together, good and bad, despite living on the opposite sides of the border.

I mean, if the US was successful in taking a Canadian territory back in like what, 1812, from Britain, we would've been in the same country 🤣

But that's besides the point.

Even though we have never hung out irl (we really need to one day istg—), sometimes after calls, I feel like you were just at my house, like we were literally just hanging out. It was like you were with me in person, even though you weren't. It's amazing that calling with you and Usako makes me feel like that— that you both were just here.

Some people say that their best friends come from the Internet, and honestly, you proved for that to be true. You're one of the best friends I could've ever asked for, and to think that we couldn't have been friends if you didn't comment in my first Art Book. Who knows if we would've even met if you didn't do that 😂

So as disgraceful as my first Art Book is, I'm so fucking happy that it exists, because that's how I met the amazing friend I have now.

I just wanna thank you so much for being there for me this past year, no matter when my life was up or down.

We shared so many laughs, and I feel like listing every single one would take a century 😂 But some notable few...
- The improv session with Claudia when Silver clogged the toilet
- Shaye vs Sans
- pretty much all of those quotes we have recorded on the QLS server XD ("If you eat a lot of soup, does your shit come out slipper or smooth?")
- Your monologues/silly rants about character design (they always make me laugh over how ticked off you are over one thing, like Azura's and Rosalina's hair or Camilla's... you know 🤣)
- into the unknOoOoOOOoooOOOWN—
- the several times we tried to reenact the Eggman Rant— 😂
- Cream's weed cookies
- GayTale
- The several times you had "Ace Panik" after I said something uncomfortable 🤣

There are just so many, it's hard to list them all 😂

Do remind me if I forgot any here— 😂😂

And of course we also had many brainstorming sessions, helping each other (usually you helping me— 🤣) come up with things for our stories.

To all of you, this woman is responsible for helping me establish several things in the Forces Sequel, come up with ideas for how the others died in I Love You Too, and even naming Ryder, our precious Shadouge son 😂

Shaye, is Ryder your babie boi? XDD

We fangirled togeher, laughed together, sang together, acted like idiots together, ranted to each other, helped each other, and even cried together... all on Discord calls.

Those are definitely things you've done with close friends, and considering the fact that we did all this over the Internet... it shows that our bond is strong enough to cross the border 😂

Oh, and of course all the art we drew for one another. We watched each other grow as artists and writers, and it's honestly amazing to see how much we've changed, how many things we've even sometimes picked up from one another.

And honestly, even though it's old art, I love all of the things you drew for me— I still have some of them in my camera roll 😂❤️

But again, it just shows how much progress we made over a single year ^^

There's so much more that I want to say, but I just can't form them into words.

All I can say is I fucking love you so much, I'm so glad that we met. If we haven't, who knows where I'd be today 😂

Thank you for listening to my shitty rants and being there for me. I'll always be there for you as well— if I don't answer immediately, just know I will answer eventually. Because I do XD

You mean a lot to me, and I'm glad we're still friends, even if we aren't able to chat in Discord as much since school started again (whenever you do have time, do tell me XD)

We'll meet up one day, okay? That's a promise 😂❤️

Anyway, again, happy birthday, despite the fact that I'm writing this a day late XD Love you so much ☺️💕🎉

~ Olivia <3

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