Images from my computer

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So I found some images on my laptop

After I show them I'll update y'all on some still XD

Also, I'm back, bitches 😂

For those of you who didn't know, I went on vacation for the weekend. Idk if some of you know what state I live in, but imma say it now— Illinois. So... we went over to a family friend's lake house in Indiana.

I rode a quad :D


We came back just today so I talked to Shaye and Sophie for a while (Claudia was on call for a bit but she was on mute and also in my room XD)


So this image is from today


Sophie's profile picture was an angry Knuckles

She then changed her nickname to Knuckles because she took a sonic quiz and actually ended up being Knuckles

And Claudia, Shaye and I have all taken them before too (Claudia is Silver, Shaye is Shadow, and I'm Sonic— which is surprisingly accurate on my end XD)

So then the tree of us followed Sophie's lead and found profile pictures with our characters and changed our nicknames

Here's the pfp I chose

It's from IDW XDD this is the moment when he's like "Man, I need a breather." The next moment is him looking calm and taking a breath, and then the panel he says, "That'll do!" and immediately runs off 🤣

Ah Sonic, I love you man XD


Here's the result of us doing this

It's literally like all the characters actually hanging out on a Discord call, it's hilarious 🤣

Just Knuckles is angry Shadow is singing/sleeping/ literally doing anything that expression says, Silver's stressing out, and Sonic's done with everyone's shit 😂

But yeah

And then even better, our statuses XD

Sophie posted them in her art book, I don't have the screenshot 😂

But I remember what they said

Claudia changed hers to "the Hedgehog" so her name was literally "Silver the Hedgehog"

Sophie followed that and said "the Echidna" so it was "Knuckles the Echidna"

Then Shaye changed hers to "I think you're the fake hedgehog around here" 😂

And I didn't change mine. Mine is "your local olive garden is here"

I commented on Sophie's art book saying "I like how mine isn't even related to my nickname XD"

But then she told me "If you think about it, the Sonic Movie makes it count"

And I'm like "OH MY GOD"

So I guess the Olive Garden still works as my status 🤣

Bless my name being Olivia XDD

So yeah

I kinda wanna see if we can ever form a discord conversation between the characters we are with our names and profile pictures like that 🤣 kinda like an improv session but text 😂

But eh, pretty sure this was a one time thing XD

Still funny though 😂


Other pictures I wanna show

The context about this one...

I was playing Joke Boat, a Jackbox game, with my Hooligan friend group

For those of you who don't know what this is, this is a game where you choose joke formats, fill in the blank from words that all of us players wrote out in the very beginning, and then you form a punchline out of the joke you made

Here's the result of one of them

And it hits me hard because I'm Polish XD

Fuckin 🤣👏🏻

He won this round by a landslide XDD

But I won the game in general not to brag :3

Seriously though, that joke with Warsaw hit me hard 😂

My family doesn't come from Warsaw (Warszawa), it comes from between Cracow (Kraków) and Zakopane (this one doesn't really have a translation)

So from the south XD

Fun fact, my last name comes from the village my mom and dad grew up in 🤣



Oh fuck

This next one might cause some issues 😅

But uh..

I found a blank slate of a Sonic Shipping Chart

And I made my own

Don't hate me please 😅

I'm only gonna go through red, blue, and sea green. And I'm not gonna go in depth, that's what my Ship Opinions book is for 🤣

Alright. For my favorites: Sonaze, Shadouge, Silvamy, Taiream

I drew kids for all of them, you bet I love them XD

For the ones I like as well: Silvisper, Jave

If I didn't ship Silvamy, I would definitely ship Silvisper, and Jave is not a ship I'm obsessed with, but the two still fit as a couple 😂

I needa make them have bebes— 🤣

Maybe Jase will finally have someone he doesn't really like XDD Jave and Scourgiona fan kids would be Jase's "rivals" 😅

I mean, DUH, Sonic is Jase's dad and Jet doesn't necessarily like  Sonic, and Scourge... oh Scourge 🤣👏🏻


The ones I'm okay with: Shadamy, Knuxouge, Knuxikal, Tairine, Knuxade, VectorxVanilla

I'm just okay with them XD

Please don't hate me, if you wanna know the reasons for most of these, that's why my Ship Opinions book exists 😅 I go over most of those ships in the most recent chapter because I revisited them because some opinions changed



So I was making SonicTale and shit

And I was trying to look for other examples to help me with mine

And oh my god

I found this masterpiece

Lemme just say, most of these are the ones I went with 😂

The only ones I changed were Asriel, Toriel, and Asgore because I didn't watch Sonic X to the end and I never got to meet Cosmo 😅

So Cream is Asriel, Blaze is Toriel, and Espio is Asgore (I explain in Art Book 2)

But yeah

Also don't worry, I gave Shadow a role 😂



I literally have this on my desktop just to send this photo whenever someone wants a hug

And I guess the same goes to this one XD



And then we've got Viridi

This is what I'm gonna send people if I find the right timing to send it 🤣

Yes girly XDD


Onto the next photo

I found this amazing picture that I completely forgot I had

Just 🤣


This was when Shaye, Claudia and I played Minecraft together for the first time

I took this picture of Shaye dramatically looking out the window 😂

I will forever love this XDD


The next two are just draw the squads with the QLS but I didn't draw over them, I just labeled them

So uh, yeah 😂

And I was from a while ago, like a two/three months ago XD

But I remember I was on call with Shaye and Sophie when I made these 😂 you guys remember these? XD

I hope you guys like it even though I didn't draw over it XD


Anyway the rest of you go follow them or I will come to your window and stare at you until you do it -_-

Nah I'm just kidding about the window part 😂 But do go follow them because they're great—


So now that I finished showing dumb images I hade laying around in my computer (actually the first one with "Sonic and his friends" (aka me, Claudia, Shaye, and Sophie) on Discord was great 😂 ) I can now update on shit


Art book update should come sometime this week :D

I finished Shadow's "episode" in the 06 rewrite, I just need to finish Sonic's and Silver's, and then we're at the home stretch and I can get to editing!

And when I start editing, that's when I'm gonna ask for help with the chapter art so that I know what I want for each chapter 😅

I'm gonna draw the ones for the last few chapters so there aren't too many spoilers despite the story being practically the same as the original with some major changes XD


I guess I also stared writing the swap story when I didn't feel like writing the rewrite but felt like writing— damn that was a lot of "write" in one sentence...

So that's already on its way 😂

ATSC... I updated the title to "ON HOLD"...

I wish it wasn't. I enjoy writing it. But putting the comments together is such a pain and I keep putting it off and it goes deeper and deeper into my camera roll...

I feel bad about it. I know a lot of people enjoy it and I enjoy it too because it's fun seeing these characters just hanging around instead of having to fight Eggman for a change.

And now that I'm planning on other major projects (I started writing ATSC as I was editing my Kid Icarus fanfic, so at that time I didn't really have another major project to work on...) I'm putting ATSC as a side project.

Sorry about that :/

The same goes for Short Stories. Like I said, I only go there if I have a little scenario in mind that I know I wouldn't be able to flesh out into a giant story

Technically "I Love You Too" could be fleshed our more, but I decided to keep it at that to keep it short and sweet. I'm not planning on making a prequel or a sequel, but I give you all permission to make a fanfic of my fanfic as long as I'm credited 😂 I know it's not gonna happen, but still XD One of my IRL friends that read it wanted me to continue it, but I told her that I wouldn't because I was worried I would ruin the charm if I continued 😅

Sometimes creators can really ruin their own creations, unfortunately. (COUGH, SEGA—)

Also I do make quite a bit of art for that short story, so I guess I could draw out some moments from what I would consider a prequel or a sequel...

I really need to figure out how each of the characters died... Sonic I know was defeated by Eggman for sure, I just can't think of how. Rouge died tragically since the others are sensitive about her death more than the others' (well, except for Sonic's..), but again I can't think of specifics. But that's all I can figure out, I don't have many ideas for the rest, but I really want to draw them out 😂

But yeah

If I figure out how they all died, I'll draw out their death scenes as a little prequel bonus since I'm not gonna write one 😅

Enough about ILYT, as much as I'm proud of that story...

I don't have any other book updates to talk about, but I thought I'd let you all know how all those are going

Hopefully you all enjoyed my shit post from my laptop and I hope you guys are hyped for what's to come with my stories 😂👍🏻

Alright, see ya guys 👋🏻

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