(Kinda) Tag - 12 & Updates

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Hey everyone :)

It's been a while, huh?

At least in here, lol.

I'll put a few updates at the end just in general, but I was looking through some old chapters here and remembered I used to do these and thought, "Why not see how much my answers changed?"

So here I am 😂

I took this one from Tag 7 I think, so here we go 🕺🏼

1) Selfie

Absolutely not.

Also, younger me was so bad at hiding personal info, damn 😭 Did I really plan on revealing my face at 500 followers, really? Not doing that.

2) Full name

Also an absolute no. If you guys roam around my Wattpad, you can probably find my first and even middle name (which GOD I'm angry at, because I feel like I can't ever get rid of those references unless I delete entire books)...

By the chance you do know my real name... Unless we're close, do not call me it. Thank you.

3) Age

I just turned 19 recently :)

Man, last time I did this specific tag, I was turning 16 the following day... holy shit.

4) Birthday

June 15th ✨

5) Idols

Mm... I don't really have "idols," but I do have content creators or other famous people I look up to, like Will Stetson... and I really respect Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. I don't watch them often, but I really do respect them.

OH WAIT! I really really look up to a bunch of voice actors. Zach Aguilar, Alejandro Saab, Joe Zieja, Zeno Robinson, Erika Harlacher-Stone, Cristina Vee... so many inspirations.

6) Favorite movie

Inception. Easy. I fucking love that movie.

7) Favorite show

Ooo.... Does anime count? 👀 (never thought I'd ever say this, little me would be SHOCKED, haha)

Because my favorite show of all time as of now is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood :D

But I also like The Owl House and ATLA for western animation, and The Sandman for live action ✨

8) Something you hate about yourself

Oh dear.

Uh... There are a lot of things, but I'm not gonna go too deep.

One of them is my anger. I'm terrified of getting angry because of how ugly that side of me is— all logic is thrown out the window and it's only pure emotion, and I can say things I don't actually mean.

I'll keep it at that.

9) Something you like about yourself

Okay hold on, first off... Why is hate and like the comparison? Why not hate and love, or instead, dislike and like? 😭


I think one thing I like about myself is my intelligence. I've always taken pride in having straight A's since 6th grade and ending up in the top 5% of my graduating class. It just.. I dunno, it makes me feel like I'm not as dumb as I think I can be sometimes 😂

10) Best friend

Oh come on. I don't have just one.

I'll pick a few from groups XD

Of course, my sister. She knows me best, and even tho we argue, I still don't know what I'd do without her.

From IRLs... Tina (who I've mentioned before), Mysti (that's her online name), and Vay, I think. I love the other Hooligans, but these guys probably know the most lmao.

As for online friends, I have my fellow Artvengers, Mad from my Omori mutuals, and Kirby and Mirage from my server XD

11) Someone you hate

Ahahaha... haha...

A lot of shitty famous people, but you guys want the tea, right? XD

I still hate those two classmates from sophomore year ✨ The damage they've done to me is unforgivable on my part.

12) Favorite song

Mmm I don't have just one favorite! I'll list a few.

- A bunch of Will Stetson covers, just to name a few:
• Unknown Mother Goose
• Tablet
• In the Backroom
• Chimera
• New Genesis
• Violence
• Hated by Life Itself
• Kick Back

- USO by SiD

- A bit of vocaloid o.O

- Freaks by Surfs Curse (I think that's their name)

I have a bunch more, but I think that's enough XD

13) Favorite band

I don't really... have one?? That I listen to consistently/follow religiously?

But if I had to choose, Fall Out Boy 😌✨

14) Say "sexy" you think of:

Too many things come into mind for this. Like a bunch of inside jokes. My actual thoughts. Fucking tumblr sexymen. Too much.

And it's funny bc I'm not even into that as of now💀

15) Relationship status

Still single :'))

But I mean.. I got pretty close recently lmao. We flirted for a bit and wanted to take it further, but then he decided he wasn't ready. Which is fair.

16) Ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Yes. I've had a boyfriend for a bit, and like I said before, I was close to being in a new relationship lol

17) My idea of a perfect date:

Uff... I dunno! I really just wanna hang out with my significant other. Maybe a stroll around somewhere nice... I don't have a dream date in mind. I just want both me and my SO to have a nice, comfortable time with one another ❤️

18) Where I want to be right now

Physically? Home lol

Currently out of the house. Took my little sister and her friends to swim lessons, so I'm doing this in the meantime.

In life?

Man... I wanna just have my toes in the VO industry right now. I wanna start work and get into the business as soon as I finish college. Here's to hoping 🤞🏻

19) Girl crush

Not into women lol

But the closest I'd have is Tina or Mysti, we jokingly flirt all the time lmao

20) Boy crush

I'm still trying to move on from the guy I liked recently XD

21) An embarrassing memory

This entire account /hj

It's hard to remember embarrassing moments on the spot.. Uff, but it's always embarrassing when I mishear something, my mind fucks up what was said, and I confuse everyone by being shocked by what I thought was said. I dunno 😅

22) Talents?

I'm not one to like to brag, but... I have a few, I think 😅 Or at least, I've been told. I'm just a very quick learner.

Despite that, I think my main two noteworthy ones are voice acting and art.

23) Someone I miss

My professors from last year, my high school teachers, my Polish school class, my childhood best friend... a lot of people, haha.

24) Someone I love

My family (as rough as it can be sometimes) and my friends. And ofc I'm religious too, so God, but he already classifies as both of those.

Pretty basic answer, I know 😂

25) My future goals

This is gonna be so fucking hard, but I'm gonna manifest this right here right now.

I wish be a successful full time voice actress with a sustainable and comfortable life, and little to no financial worries.

I also hope to have a life partner that loves me as I love him.

Heh, it'd be funny if I voiced a Polish character at some point, too.

This one's not really a goal for myself, but more so a wish... I want the world to just be better. The government, society, the environment... I want there to be peace and for people to live comfortable and happy lives.

And I wish for myself and my family to live long, happy lives.

That's long term stuff XD

Sappy, I know. I have my goals and wants! 🤞🏻💖

Short term? Graduate from college 😂 Maybe start a few VO gigs... build a home studio.. 👀 Find a better part time job for now...

Yeah, that sounds right.

26) A confession

Is there really anything big I could confess, though?? Can't really think of anything dramatic enough to be a "confession"

Maybe... Oh. I got a small one.

I mentioned this before, but I finally watched some anime lol. My confession is that I hated/avoided anime before because of the stigma surrounding it at the time in my school, and also because I never had the means to watch any XD

27) Something I'm addicted to

Uhhh... my interests???

28) Favorite animal

Doggos 💖

I love other animals too, but I had the most connections and experiences with dogs XD

29) Favorite TV couples


Isn't the next question basically the same thing???? I'll just answer it there lmao

30) Ships


Omori: Heromari, and I'm cool with most of the ships between Sunny, Aubrey, Kel, and Basil (and oh my god I love Photobomb from Omariposa and Emori specifically, peak Photobomb right there ❤️)

FMA: Edwin, Royai

Danganronpa: Naegiri, Hinanami, I'm okay with Komahina for joke purposes, Kuzupeko, Sondam, Saimatsu, Harukaito, Amamatsu, I'm okay with Saiouma, and idk what the ship name for Himiko and Tenko is, but I think they're cute <3

TOH: Huntlow, Lumity, Raeda

Kid Icarus: Piridi ✨

Sonic: Sonaze, Silvamy, Shadouge, Taiream (only when older)

And from my own lil story, Dangerously Awkward... Nicole (Cole x Nina), Noashley (Noah x Ashley), and Jenilie (Jen x Emilie) :)

31) Favorite quote

Okay I'm gonna do a serious one

"Sacrifices are necessary; you can't gain anything without losing something first. Although, if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made fullmetal." - Edward Elric

I also love a bunch of joke ones, but that quote makes me feel things, man XD

32) Lucky number

I don't really have one, but recently it was 7, so 😂

33) Worst movie you saw

Hmmm... I'm not really a movie watcher—

But I guess Wreck-It Ralph 2 sucked :')) I'm sure I've seen worse movies, but that's all that's coming to mind right now..?

34) What's your biggest wish?

It's answered in question 25 :)

It's just stuff regarding my future

35) Bad habits?

I'm overly paranoid lmao

I have a bad habit of overthinking situations that really aren't that big in the grand scheme of things 😅

36) Food you hate

I fucking hate gołąbki. It's a Polish food- it's like... some kind of meat wrapped in some kind of sour cabbage, I don't know how to describe it. I haven't had it in forever bc I just hated it so much lmao.

37) Hair color

Brown. Yeah. Light brown I guess.

38) Eye color

Also brown. On good sunny days they look amber, though 😌✨

39) Favorite kind of ice cream?

Cookies and cream. Love that shit ✨ Vanilla's also chill.

Even so, I don't eat ice cream all that often lmao

40) Any question you'd like.


Favorite games maybe? Since that wasn't a question..

Favorite game as of right now is Omori :) absolutely love it, perfect in every way in my eyes

I also really love Fire Emblem Three Houses (and by extension Three Hopes.. but I'm less familiar with that one), and god I love Danganronpa 😂 it's so chaotic and absurd but in a fun way. I dunno, I can see why people don't like it, but I also see why so many people like myself love it ❤️

Of course Undertale's a classic with Deltarune, and I love me some Mario Galaxy 😌💖

Sonic is eh for me now, but Unleashed and Black Knight remain my favorites from that franchise (mostly because of characterization and narrative)


And there we have it!

I've grown a bit, huh? 😂 My interests definitely expanded..

Now, onto small updates and the sort.

As you all know, I rarely write here anymore. I also made an announcement the other day saying I unpublished my Ask the Sonic Cast book.

Over time, I plan on unpublished more of my books. Eventually I'll get rid of Twisted, the 06 Rewrite, and Fallen Angel. I don't know what other "stories" I have published, but it's likely they'll be leaving soon, too.

Don't know when. But they will be eventually.

The reason why is because some people still hold these old stories over my head, even as I'm moving on to do other things. Hell, people still ask me if I plan on doing more Sonic fics, and the answer as of now is no.

And honestly... the Sonic fandom's a mess. A huge one that I don't wanna be actively involved with anymore. I love the friends I've met in the fandom and we still talk and support each other, but I don't plan on drawing more of it and feeding the fandom.

But yeah... Just expect that, lmao.

I'm trying to slowly get rid of old stuff since a lot of my career in the future is going to be relying on my presence and content, and I don't want to present myself with old Sonic fanfics, I guess.

I hope that makes sense 😅

But yeah, that's pretty much that!

I wanna thank you guys again who've supported my account and silly fics as I was active. It really made me glad that I was able to write stuff you guys enjoyed. But I think it's time I really focus on my artwork and especially voiceover, since that's where my path seems to be headed.

Until next time, everybody :) I should be updating my art book at some point in the near future... if time allows 😅

~ Sweggy

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