(Kinda) Tag - 9

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Alright technically I'm doing three but whatever

I found these a while back so I think it's about time do them XD

The first one I stole from Usako so uhh haha I'm doing it now 😂

The second And third ones are from internet browsing 🤣

I mean, the reason why I call these "kinds" tags is because I wasn't tagged to do them, I just found these and wanna do them XD

Alright here's the first one—

1) Olivia

2) 5 ft - 5'1

3) around 100lbs

4) 16

5) June 15th

6) IRL: Claudia (she hates me but I love her), female Hooligans ^^
Internet: QLS <3

7) IRL: male Hooligans :D

8) Don't got one :/

9) I have, but not severely—

10) Oh god I don't have a fav...

11) I think... it was to Claudia 😂

12) 77%

13) Brown ^^

14) Uh... as in obsession? 😅 Umm, a lot of things XD

15) Aw shit don't make me choose/list all of them again...
Hmm... I'll name a few new ones then (additions to my old list XD)
- Goodbye to a World (SharaX Remix)
- Azura's Song (Conquest VER; FE Fates)
- Sorrow (Marcus Veltri)
There are definitely more but I don't feel like listing 🤣

16) I don't really have a favorite anymore, I love them all ^^
But dogs and llamas are definitely up there 😂

17) blue :3

18) I don't even know XD not large tho

19) No 😂

20) ... it's kinda personal.

21) Best time? I don't even know... there were a lot of fun days I've had

22) The shithole that is the United States -_-

23) I don't have any..

24) I want to, but no one will love me :') also I would want my spouse to be Polish as well so our kids can speak it— (I love my culture okay XD)

25) Hmm... idk 😂

26) Never had one on the lips... on the cheek it was from a truth or dare

27) Oh shit I have so many insecurities— I don't like my appearance even though I know it's not bad, I'm insecure about some of my interests and about myself as a person... but I don't wanna get into it 😅

28) No... and I never want to...

29) My family and friends (also God since I'm religious 😂)

30) And old best friend

31) Brown

32) Single Pringle, probably for a super long time if not forever :'))

33) I think it was actually Azrua's conquest song 🤣 I wasn't really listening to any music today and I just replayed that video once because it keeps sending chills XD (and I listen to the English version, I can't understand Japanese 😂)

34) I have way too many... but... my number one fear is death. Narrowed down, suicide. And narrowing that down, hanging. You can imagine what DDLC has done to me 😅

35) I don't want to— not the creepy ones at least

36) ..... I don't wanna get into a rant so I'm gonna keep it to myself

37) ATLA, Dragon Prince, Gravity Falls, and maybe a few more ^^

38) Avengers (1), Winter Soldier, Iron Man (1) :D

39) Hmm... alright I'm gonna go with All Rights Reserved. It was a summer reading assignment I had for freshman year, and holy shit it surprised me with how good it was. The concept I desperately hope never becomes a reality 😂

40) this was asked earlier, what—

41) ... of other artists 😂

42) Gemini :DDD

43) Veronika

44) I really don't know 😂

45) Two

46) Claudia and Natalie (Nat)

47) (more like played XD) Soccer, Track & Field

48) I wouldn't say talents, but I enjoy:
- Drawing
- Playing piano
- Dancing
- Singing
- Voice acting
- Writing

49) ..... I don't wanna talk about them :)))

50) I kinda wanna try animation or voice acting, those are my top two.


1) Nope

2) Fuck no

3) again, no and I don't want to

4) a little bit—

5) no

6) those fake ones yes XD real ones, no

7) never had a date to begin with :')

8, 9, 10) mentioned earlier ^^ 

11) Like artist as in drawing or music artist? Considering the next question, I'm gonna say drawing artist.
The QLS ladies are lovely artists, and I'll also add Silver_Lea to the artist list ^^
Also Tung, Tina, and Julia are talented as shit—

12) Don't really have any—

13) I have too many ;^;

14) mentioned earlier :D

15) invisibility... kinda scared of heights depending on the situation 😅

16) cookies :) I'll eat cake, but only specific kinds

17) I don't use either of them much... but let's go twitter

18) movies :D (books only in some circumstances)

19) neither... but if I had to choose one, sprite

20) neither :'(((

21) tea :D

22) 16

23) Gemini ❤️♊️

24) 5 / 5'1

25) Straight (as far as I know)

26) again, idk

27) Roman Catholic

28) ... never had one

29) Treat then as people, don't discriminate

30) it really depends. But if I had to say in general, no. I've made my mistake of giving someone a second chance and it ended with me suffering again.

31) I... I wouldn't trust them. You never know what they're doing on their end.

32) If someone wants to abort, let them. It's their choice.

33) It really depends on the crime... I'm not sure, I don't have a strong opinion...

34) I know some people need it for some medical purposes, but for smoking, please no.

35) Make sure your love isn't based on something dumb, like appearance. Make sure it's based on trust, companionship, and your love for who the person is personality-wise.

36) again, I don't want to

37) it's cut off so I can't read the rest 😅 but yeah I shower facing the shower head, not away

38)  c l o s e d .

39) my family and friends, but not a crush

40)  y e s

41) no :')

42) ... not much if I'm being honest


1) yes— on the cheek

2) no

3) yes :(

4) again, no

5) yes

6) ... yes

7) no, and I never want to

8) 16

9) June 15th

10) relationship-wise? Single :/

11) already said it..

12) already said this as well

13) don't have one

14) a good basement, a deck, and a decent in the ground pool... that's about it, the house doesn't need to be huge 😅

15) as a crush, no..

16) my family and friends <3

17) no.. :/

18) yeah..

19) no

20) nope

21) yes XD but not with drugs, alcohol, etc 😂 (Polish events are lit, dude—)

22-29) already mentioned

30) Instagram :3

31)  so apparently there's no 31–

32) Instagram—

33) uhh.. is there much of a difference? I don't really drink either of them..

34) tea ^^

35) pizza :>

36) there's no 36.. wtf is up with this list—

37) of someone ever loved me like that, yeah.. but not just anybody XD

38) I mean, yeah.. I will definitely be annoyed though 😅

39) n o

40) ... wtf—

41) no—

42) bruh this is racist.. but in my case, if they were Polish, yes :D (my mother would be happy with me for marrying another Polish person—)

43) I would never want to

Alright, that's all 😂

This was just to cure boredom

I have school in the morning so I gotta go sleep

First day, yaaaaay -_-

Feel free to do these if you want, I'm not tagging anyone 👍🏻

Welp, see ya guys 👋🏻

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