Random short update, idk

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Hi all

It's really been a while, hasn't it? 😂 I feel like I never actually publish anything on this account anymore— I only free write and leave them as drafts 😅

It's crazy, this account has been around since I believe 2016 or 2017... the amount of growth, damn o.o

Anyway, enough about me feeling nostalgic and shit. I might needa give some updates and stuff.

A lot has happened recently, good and bad

I'm gonna go all over the place, so bear with me

First off, I binged a webtoon called UnORDINARY, and oh my god, I love it so much 😭🙏🏻

Blyke my fucking beloved. I love him. Arlo? Also love him— one of the best damn arcs. And John? Holy shit holy fuck. Isen? Biggest mood on the fucking planet. Sera? Only deserves the best, an absolute queen. Remi? A fucking cinnamon roll.

Go read it if you haven't 🔫

It gave me a lot more motivation to develop my own story that I want to develop into a webtoon. You know, the one with my cringe kids Cole and Nina 😂 I've been free writing with them a lot, so I've got that going XD

Oh! I'm gonna try to update the art book sometime this week. I'm gonna have a half week off school because of Thanksgiving, so there's that

Another thing.. About a year or so ago, I got into a really bad fight with an online friend. We never had it resolved, but just recently, with the help of my sister, we got into contact again and talked things out. Can I just say, it made me very happy. I got closure, and I truly felt that we both have matured over that year and are doing better than we were. We may not be close anymore, but I'm just glad we had that talk— it went very well ^^

But now that I'm talking about online friends, there is one thing I'm worried about.

One of my Instagram friends kinda just... disappeared. None of us— and I mean other friends of mine that were close with her too— have any idea where she went. She didn't say anything before leaving— just deleted her accounts on nearly every platform and called it a day.

I'm sure there's something going on, and my suspicion is that she wanted to avoid getting copied by an art thief that she's been dealing with. I think she didn't wanna risk that thief "coincidentally" stealing her characters (she's also planning a webtoon and she's the one who fully supported my story as well (not counting irl friends)), but I wish she said something I guess. I miss her a lot 😅

And uh... more friend drama (but I think it's the last bit of it)..

If anyone here doesn't remember the Hooligans, that's my irl friend group's name. We have 20+ people, and it's insane tbh.

Just recently, we had to kick one out.

I'm not gonna go into detail, but let's just say he's made several people absolutely uncomfortable, has been toxic with his crushes and the way he approached situations like it, he had conversations revolving around himself... he basically had a "god complex", acting like he was the protagonist of some movie. He's been approached about it or hinted about it several times, and he hasn't learned anything or changed at all. It uh.. hasn't been great.

So we ended up kicking him out (in the most polite way possible.. I guess). Immediately afterwards we find out from a friend he started to vent about "not knowing what he did wrong" and shit, victimizing himself. Cry about it, bitch. You're the one who ignored your mistakes, even when we tell you what they are🖕🏻

But that's not really our problem anymore

In other news, I have an idea of wtf is going on with my sexuality and shit. I can finally put it into words.

Basically, I have something called "alterous attraction." To put it simply, it's when you don't know whether you like someone romantically or platonically. It's just this feeling that goes "yeah I wouldn't mind dating them but being friends is just as good." These crushes are not strong at all— if anything, they're confusing as hell, because you don't know whether you're feeling romantic or platonic attraction towards someone, because you can't tell the difference.

I'm just glad I found a term for it. While labels aren't required, this really helps me explain and pin down exactly what I have. All I know is I'm hetero, but as my friends joke, I'm the "gayest straight person" to exist 😂

(I flirt with my friends platonically a lot—)

But istg some people might misinterpret what this is (someone already has and tried to compare himself to me 😒), so don't immediately apply yourself to this. It's a lot more complicated than I made it sound.

Uh... other random things...

I got accepted into two colleges I applied to— :D One of them is a general university with decent art programs, and the other is a liberal arts school in the city.

My reach is the liberal arts one, so I'm shooting for that one... but now that I made it, I needa work on a proper portfolio 😅

I literally only draw fanart, so I'll see how it goes, idk :'))

Senioritis has also been taking a huge toll on me. It's a feeling of laziness seniors get, bc it's their last year of high school. Mine hit me like a truck 😂

I'm so behind on mythology and calculus :')

I'm also extremely burnt out from drawing, but I need to produce more. It's infuriating, but I can't rest.

I'd talk more, but it's nearly 2am, and I'm tired. I'm sure I'm forgetting something important, but I just don't care enough right now.

I feel like one of these days I'm gonna go on a whole rant about how people need to leave me alone in DMs and such skdkekndn

Alright guys, see ya and take care XD

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