Rhino destruction club

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So some of the Hooligans and I had a movie night over Discord

We watched two movies in one night 🤣

We watched National Treasure first

It was me, T, I, A, and V.

So in the middle of it, A just starts talking about a Nicholas Cage pillow he used to have, and he realizes he gave t away

We all ask him why he gave it away, and he says "you know what, I'm buying another one"

So while we were just enjoying the movie, he just asks T "Hey what's your address"

And T is like "why do you need my address?"

A says "Just tell me what it is"

T sends him his address and then A says after a few minutes "Alright you're gonna get your  pillow soon, and your Nicholas Cage pillowcase around May."

And we all start crying with laughter while T is like " w h y " 🤣

It was so funny I can't even XD

Then T jokes "When I get my pillow I'm sending you guys a picture of me kissing Nicholas Cage."

So yeah 😂

A even sent proof to the chat sending the receipt from Amazon and shit, and T's response was "God you're a fucking lunatic"


The next movie

Anyone ever watched Bolt?

That movie about that dog who didn't know he was only an actor or whatever and believed he had powers and shit ?


A had to go, so it was just me, T, I, and V.

Those three have either never watched the movie or haven't watched it in a while

I remember this movie very well because it used to be one of my favorites, but as I started watching it more often and as I became older, I started noticing all these plot holes and all these unexplainable things (COUGH HOW THE FUCK DO THEY DO EVERYTHING IN ONE TAKE HOW DO THEY PREDICT WHAT BOLT IS GONNA DO HOW DO THEY MANAGE TO MAKE THE SET LOOK SO DAMN REAL THAT BOLT DOESN'T KNOW ITS FAKE WHERE ARE THE FUCKING CAMERAS)

Yeah. I hate the movie now. It makes me mad.

So as I was watching it I decided not to start my rants until after it was revealed this was all a movie set, and even I (the one who didn't watch it) was pissed about it and me, T, and V were like "TADAAAA ITS JUST A MOVIE IN A MOVIE"

So we were all ranting of how this didn't make any sense

Then I started to notice that some background characters were reused and I was like 😐

And then... Bolt and Mittens arrive at that campsite with RVs.

And my red flag began to wave in my face

I completely forgot about him

"OH MY GOD NOOOOO" was my realization

"What?" Was the response from everyone

"Oh my god I don't know if you all remember him or not but dear god Rhino's about to come in and he was the WORST I just wanna strangle him I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna punt him—"

Like I was thinking of every possible thing to do to that fucker

So after his introduction, T just pauses and he says to me "Yep... I see why you hate him."

Anyways, idk if you guys know this, but on Discord servers, you're able to change your nickname.

We all started changing our names as the movie was playing (T named himself Mindy from the Channel Network or whatever it was XD, I can't remember what V named herself, and I don't remember what I named herself.)

So I was like "I'm gonna name myself 'I hate Rhino'"

And T just says "Rhino destruction club"

I wheezed 🤣

So that is now my name on that sever. "Rhinodestructionclub."

So I had a fun movie night 😂

That was on Friday I think...

Saturday night (yesterday) more of us just played a bunch of Jackbox games

And I'm proud to say that I won one round of the dictionary game or whatever and I won the Joke Boat game 😂

And then we did another Aggie.io drawing... it was hilarious (I didn't talk about the previous one we did but my god was it chaotic, and this one was just insanity 🤣)

I'm gonna post both in my art book when I need to post XD

Then we played Rules of the Game (it's where you have someone ask you a yes or no question and then that person has to ask the next person to ask them and so on)

I think most of them know I'm a sonic fan at this point 😂

So I chose T to ask me a question

He said "Hmm... what would be an uncomfortable but good question... okay...... would you fuck sonic"

I wheezed 🤣🤣

I said no XD I'd hug him, I wouldn't fuck a hedgehog 😂




In other news, I'm continuing the 06 rewrite.. trying to make the Mephiles and Shadow part less boring, but idk how that'll work out

I'm almost done with the animatic of Shaye raging during the Sans battle 😂 that will be posted on my Instagram ^^

I finished drawing the popular girls from Jase's and Ryder's friend group, so that'll be up in my art book next time I update

I'm probably gonna design Hunter's little sister as well since I did mention he has one.. she's gonna be a red husky since Hunter's dad is Gadget and his mom is a black and white husky.. trying to make sure the genes make sense and all since Hunter doesn't really look like his dad except for the eye color, which is like a bronze-yellow... so his little sister's gonna look more like Gadget, and she's probably gonna be Kali's age.

I might as well design the Taiream fan children as well... their kids are gonna be significantly younger than Jase, Ryder, Crys, and Avery, though. There will be two of them so that there can be a fox and a rabbit 😅

Oh yeah...

And probably the most fun book update

I decided that after the 06 rewrite, the Sonic body swap story will be in the works (because I thought I would try to lay the story out, and huh, it kinda works XD)

The story would be heavily based on humor and dialogue with the characters struggling with their new selves while they also try to find out what the fuck Eggman's planning

Boy, won't the mad doctor be surprised with their situation XD

Anyway, if you all have any suggestions to what funny situations they could be in while discovering new things about their new selves, I could read through them and see which ones could work their way into the plot ^^

I thought of a hilarious one yesterday and I'm not disappointed 😂😂

So there were two groups that swapped (the groups don't know about the other group swapping until later on, it will be explained why)

G1: Sonic is Blaze, Blaze is Shadow, Shadow is Silver, Silver is Sonic

G2: Knuckles is Amy, Amy is Rouge, Rouge is Knuckles

And Tails has to deal with their shit 🤣

So now that you know who would be who, you can give ideas for scenarios and I'll see if they work XD

(So yes this means that Knuckles will not know that Silver is currently Sonic and he is completely embarrassed when he has to tackle hug Silver and act like Amy would towards Sonic 🤣... and then Sonic would be off to the side with Blaze or Shadow and be like "Welp, looks like there's one good thing to come out of this :D")

And I'm also gonna be a devil and make Sonic go through some sucky shit while he's Blaze. Some of you might know or figure it out XD

So yeah, I'll look through ideas if any are suggested 😂

Oh yeah, and then the ATSC book... I might start putting questions together soon, so if there are any last minute additions, please comment them down before I start editing the photos!! Thank you!!

Alright that's all I got for now 😂

See ya guys 👋🏻

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