Tag 2 !!

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1. One thing you can't leave the house without.

Clothes. I mean.. you can't be naked when you leave the house right?? XD 

2. Favourite Brand of Make-Up

I'm a guy. N/A hehe 

3. Favourite Flower

Flower's die too quickly. I like roses though, deep red is a good colour imo.

4. Favourite Clothing Store

Kmart is the best. Who even needs fancy clothes when you can save money :D

5. Favourite Perfume

I don't use perfume.

6. Heels or Flats?

Hmmm even though I'm a guy, I'd say flats. I don't really understand the hype about heels as a guy. Plus flats are a lot more comfortable. I've watched some documentary about heels literally breaking your foot and shaping it in a certain way.

7. Do you get good grades?

I get decent grades. Just enough to make myself happy. Learning is all about yourself and training your own discipline to work at something until you get better. Then, when you get good at something, you start to enjoy it.

8. Favourite colours?

Dark Red. Purple. Blue

9. Do you drink energy drinks?

Nah. They make me feel as if I'm on the verge of a heart attack. Makes my hands shake like crazy as well.

Sorry I can't continue. 

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