Rant of an Enderdragon

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Not all rants here will be about real life things some like this one will be rants from games, book and movies this on is from Endria the current Enderdragon

Endria- Silverbrine has given me permission to commandeer her laptop so I can get across my point of view of you killing the Enderdragons.

Thank you Endria but I could of explained that

Endria- humph you would not have been good at it

Now Endria wll show her view of you killing her kind (not that I care she forced me)

Endria- When you humans kill one of my kind it creates a portal to my homeworld on which all enderdragons and ender-beings reside until one is killed in the overworld or the End and is taken to the place of need and I plan on being alive many eons, when a dragon is killed their memories are transferred into the next in line dragon so I know who has killed all the dragons before me and can enact revenge.

Occasionally two dragons get sent to the End and sometimes those dragons mate and their clutch of eggs hatch and there are too many dragons in the End and when that happens Notch's code create a stronghold near humans to wipe us out but it only happens when there are ten or more dragons, the only humans who came to the End and didn't kill us are as follows Notch who created us and has visted the End once, Herobrine when he was creating a pact with my kind, Steve he came with Notch and became friends with a hatchling and saved her from being killed when a raiding party came and finally Silverbrine who came to do the same as Herobrine and nearly died thanks to the old dragon.

More than often you humans take an egg from the End and display it and think the egg is a dud means it won't hatch but in around 5 or so (minecraft) years it will hatch and totally wreck your house and home unless you raise it properly which most humans never do.

Last time I got called (some enderdragons get called twice if they do their duty for a thousand years they go back home and get replaced) another dragon got called with me, he was a handsome fellow with pitch black wings and those beautiful amethyst eyes of his he was perfect but then those humans came and killed him and nearly killed me too but I hid with my clutch and when the clutch hatched humans killed them my little daughters and sons dead! and they took my last egg which has yet to hatch I hope whoever has it great pain.

*claps sarcastically* great job Endria now can I have my laptop back?

Endria- Thank you Silverbrine here *gives laptop*

Thanks and anyway that is Endria's life like a enderdragon and also to sum it up quickly Don't kill enderdragons they have feelings and family's too

Silverbrine OUT!

Endria- Bye!

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