One Piece-LuNa: A Bet

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AHH!! My first One Piece one-shot!! :D I actually just recently got into One Piece, and I'm already obsessed! X3 I tried really hard to get their personalities right (they're harder than I thought they'd be >.<), so let me know how I did! (:

This one is for @Hichigo_Shirosaki! I hope you like it! ^_^

I frowned as I glanced up at the sky. “Luffy,” I called.

“What is it, Nami?” He answered, looking up to where I stood on the upper deck.

“There’s a storm coming, so we should find land.”

“But we just got back to open water!” Luffy pouted. “Are you sure?”

“Have I ever been wrong?” I snapped, defensively.

“No,” he sighed. “Alright, guys, you heard her!”

In a little over an hour, we had found a small island and immediately docked the ship for the night. I convinced Luffy to let us stay in an inn, so I hummed happily to myself as we walked around the small town.

“I’ll go find something for you lovely ladies to eat for dinner,” Sanji told Robin and me before running off ahead.

“Don’t forget about the rest of us!” Luffy yelled after him.

“I’d better go make sure he doesn’t mess up,” Zoro sighed, running in the direction Sanji had gone.

“I hope he doesn’t get lost,” I groaned.

“They’ll be fine,” Robin chuckled.

“This place is huge!” Chopper exclaimed, pointing to the large building in front of us.

“Is this really just an inn?” Luffy asked, gawking at it.

“I hope it isn’t too expensive,” I sighed, going inside.

“Hello!” A short old man smiled when he saw us. “How may I help you?”

“We need a few rooms for the night,” I told him.

“How many will you need?” He asked.

“If we pair up, we’ll only need three," Robin suggested.

I nodded, looking at the old man. “Three rooms will be fine, thanks.” After we paid for our rooms—shockingly not as much as I assumed they’d cost—we got our keys and went to unpack our things.

“I hope Sanji and Zoro hurry up with dinner,” Luffy groaned, collapsing on my bed, “I’m starving!”

“Go starve in your own room!” I snapped.

“They’re back!” Chopper announced, knocking on the door. “We’re all meeting in the lobby to eat.”

“Let’s go!” Luffy exclaimed, running out the door.

“I’m quite hungry myself,” Robin chuckled. “Are you coming, Nami?”

“Maybe later,” I told her. “I’m beat, so I’m going to bed early.”

She nodded. “I’ll make sure Luffy saves you some, then.”

“Thanks,” I smiled, climbing into bed once she left.

I was startled awake when thunder shook the entire building, and a flash of lightning lit up the room. Robin wasn’t back yet, so I figured I hadn’t been asleep too long.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Robin said, meeting me in the doorway as I made my way to the lobby.

“How long was I out?” I yawned.

“Only a couple of hours. The boys just returned to their rooms, and Chopper and I were going to do some reading in here for a while.”

“Have at it,” I smiled. “I’m going to eat, then I’ll be back.” I went to the lobby, getting the food Luffy had left with the manager for me, and quickly ate it. I looked out the window when more thunder shook the building, wondering how long it would take the storm to move on.

“I guess the best thing to do is just sleep,” I yawned. “It should have moved on by morning.” I went back to my room, groaning when I noticed a large lump in my bed. Chopper was fast asleep in the middle of the bed, several books spread out around him. Robin was already asleep in her bed, too. Sighing, I padded down the hallway, knocking gently on the door beside my room.

“Nami?” Luffy asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m staying in here tonight,” I said, marching into the room. “Your roommate took over m bed, so I need somewhere to sleep.” I stopped once I entered the room, noticing a very important detail. “Where’s the other bed?” There was only one bed, which meant I still had nowhere to sleep. Unless I share the bed with Luffy. I felt heat burn my cheeks at the mere thought of sleeping next to Luffy in the same bed.

“Since it was only me and Chopper, we didn’t need two beds,” he shrugged, scratching his head. “Are you sleeping here or not?” He crawled back under the blanket as he spoke, yawning loudly.

Come on, Nami. It’s just one night. Besides, it’s not like this dummy will see any difference between sleeping beside you than he would sleeping beside Chopper. That almost made me sad. Although it was embarrassing, I wished he had had some kind of reaction to me sleeping in the same bed as him.

With a sigh, I got into the bed, laying on the edge with my back to him. I could feel the blush on my face, and knew I’d die of embarrassment if he saw me.

“I’m not going to bite you,” I heard him mumble, sounding half-asleep already.

“I know that!” I snapped. “Go to sleep!” Instead of answering, I heard him snore quietly. Knowing he was asleep, I relaxed, scooting away from the edge a little.

I squealed when Luffy’s arms went around me, pulling me against his chest. “L-Luffy, let go!” I whispered, trying to get away.

“Nami, do you like me?” He asked, suddenly, sounding awake now.

I went completely still at his question. “W-What? Why would you ask that?”

“Well, Chopper thinks you do, but I disagreed with him.”

“Don’t tell me,” I groaned, having a feeling I knew where this was going.

He chuckled, giving away his guilt. “Chopper told me that if you did, you’d get really embarrassed about sleeping in here, so I made a bet with him, saying you wouldn’t.”

“And what happens if you lose?” I asked, the fire in my face threatening to burn me alive.

“I had to tell you that I love you.”

I gasped, turning so I could meet his eyes. He was looking away, and I swore I could see a bit of pink on his cheeks, despite the darkness of the room. “You—You do?”

“Do you?” He asked, returning to his earlier question.

There’s really no denying it now, is there? I was sure he probably already knew the answer, even if I were to lie to him and say no. Should I lie, though? Maybe I really should tell him. I mean, didn’t he just confess to me?

I took a deep breath, then nodded. “I do.” I smiled at him. “I love you, Luffy.”

“Good,” he said and grinned that same goofy grin that always made my heart race dangerously fast. “I love you, too, Nami.”

I waited for him to say something else—or, preferably, kiss me—but he never did. With an exasperated sigh, I grabbed his face and yanked it down to mine, kissing him. “That,” I told him after I pulled away, “is what you’re supposed to do after you confess to someone.”

Gently, he pressed his lips to mine. “Sorry. Was that better?” He grinned.

“I—I guess,” I stuttered, trying to calm my heart.

He chuckled, pulling me against his chest. “Goodnight, Nami.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I closed my eyes. “Goodnight, Luffy.”

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