They dony care

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(Based on a true story

Nova : *walks in sniffling *

Darkest: *ears perk looking over* nova!? Whats wrong *rushes over*

Nova: *lifts face showing a cut on her cheek* ....they threw rocks at me...for no reason ..

Darkest: what who!?


Darkest: *ears twitch* lower your tone young lady

Nova: *nods * s-sorry.....they just get me so angry

Darkest: ......i know they do ...i had to deal with that same thing but you know what my mistake was?

Nova: w-what

Darkest: I didnt fight back.....sometimes you have no choice but to fight you hear me.

Nova: *nods* but what if i get in trouble....

Darkest: your not gonna be in trouble not with me nor your mother....ill deal with the teachers there

Nova: *ears lower * you got rocks thrown at you

Darkest: ....stones yes my parents told me to hold in my anger ....but im telling you those teachers dont care bout you

Nova: *slow nod*

Darkest: *picks her up* They may kick you hurt you beat you....nova....but you cant let that change you understand

Nova: *nods*

Darkest: i'll i wanna that they dont really care abouy us ....its that type of world but you can change it

Nova: how?

Darkest: by showing others the wrong .....but we will talk about this later

Nova: *wipes eyes and nods*

Darkest: Now who wants cookies and icecream!

Nova: *smiles and giggles * m-me!

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