Creepied out..

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Its like 12pm where I am and I went to bed about an hour or 2 ago. I think something fell off of my dresser that is across the room, and im pretty sure nothing was at the edge of it. I hate being in a room by myself T^T I honestly have a love hate relationship with having my own room. Its Freaky! Like when I woke up this morning I heard a ring like a ring when you Swirl something on a glass and I heard it 2 times there is nothing in my room that can do that. I think the thing that fell was the bottle that has my dads Heart beat on a piece of paper in it, But im not certain. I dont liiiike T^T I never knew not having a man/dad in the house anymore would be so creepy n feel so unsafe. Im always worrying that theirs gonna be an intruder ( thanks to my mom scaring me kinda) Ive always hated doors and windows that open. With a door someone can hack into and things can go bad real quick. I don't like windows cuz Burglars can get in ( same issue with doors). I have also realised Basically no where is safe. Anywhere you go something could happen and that honestly scares me alot.


And here I am once again Ranting/ fangirling about it ( I rlly need to get help 😂😂😂)

I leveled up to level 10! and I also realised there are some Missions im never gonna finish😂😂 I love the BTS superstar cards too much to use them to level up other ones with other ones
And 2 of the missions is to make a level C card into a level B card and to do that is by powering up and by poweribg up you need to use cards I dont wanna do that more than I already have 😂😂. Im a card addict, I like to collect but not get rid of. I have a Jhope card at a lv 10 which is the max for most if not all the cards Bit you need a card thats crom the same theme the same artist and the same level n power up basically thats the same card like a clone card. 😂😂

Ok ill stop.


So ive been out of school since my dads death its been 2 weeks Something tells me im going to summer school. Ive missed almost a whole semester from transferring schools then missing 1 week from sickness and then 2 weeks from my dads death. FunFacts it seems my uncle??? (I rlly didnt know him that well or what he was to my family) Died Monday feburary 26th 2018. 2018 seems it gonna be known as the death yr for me itll just be added to 2014 that yr my dads parents died a few months apart. I also just realised my dad only died 4 yrs after his parents that kinda ironic/ maybe coincidental?? Its kinda odd. My dads mom died in march and I think his dad died a months or 2 before or after.

2hours later of watching BTS and randomness...

its now 3am Im doomed at sleeping 😂 I just hope my mom doesnt Think i died in my sleep cuz I probably wont wake up cuz ill be passed out. Like ive been so tired that I havent been waking up to my alarms that I usually wake up too. But yea i should probably try too sleep right??
yea so good night

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