genuine + random

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Made: about 3 weeks ago

So I was reading Honey bunny by pocketbangtan and as I read and got to a part it got me thinking...

There are some people out there that only want to see celebs because of there looks and talents.

But there are people who want to meet them for who they are not for just what they do, and im glad there are people out there like that.

I wanna be friends with them bit I know it probably will NEVER happen 1 )age defference 2) Different language 3) It be hard espicially with thier busy schedule and 4 ) I kinda see it being dangerous with thier popularity and careers it could hurt it and it would make thier fans jealous and upset.

Everytime I think of or get into a convo with a person and  they ask " What would you do if you were to meet BTS? " I would say " Probably freak out or something" and I would freak out a bit and go silent but  I would make sure its real life ans not me dream or something, Then I'd wanna have a regular conversation with them and get to know the REAL them not the people they try to be to fit the image they created. ( Im not saying BTS isnt themselves cuz I cant say if they r or not. Im also talking about most if not all celebs) Alot of celebs will try to mold into what they created of their image. 

Some people would say thier SuperStars or they're like immortal cuz of how good they are at this and that they handsome or pretty, But thier not thier Humans that have practiced and practiced.  Thier Handsome or prettiness could be from Gene or it could be people didnt like thier face and got plastic surgery because they got peerpressured or they THEMESELVES didnt like thier face and wanted to change it. I think i may have gotten off topic a bit.

all in all I wanna get to know people by who they are and what they like not just cuz they have fam, fortune and looks to me i find that  messed up but I have also realised alot of people judge people by thier looks but not by thier hearts and personality and im not sure if I ever was or am a person like that but I hope and almost 100% know  I  will never ever become a person to judge people by thier looks.

I have alot of trust issues especially around adults cuz when I was younger I knew about kidnapping and abuse and it genuinely scared me the only adults I trust are my teachers, my friends parents , my relatives and parents. I dont trust ANY one else out of adults im too scaried something could happen and cause others to get hurt or kidnap happens. I know some ppl might be thinking " ur judging adults" But In some ways im not im just being to protective over stuff cuz im scaried of losing people I need and cherish the most because of my dumb mistakes and I have a higher chance of something going wrong with a stranger then a school mate ( Cuz im quiet in school most of the time)

Yep definitely off topic.

So basically dont judge people by thier looks,and skills but by thier personality. You might beable to change someone for the better


what ever

ok ill stop with that.

sorry if this seemed sad depressing or just plain confusing.

why did I even write this??

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