I feel horrible

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So at my school a girl I know we were walking around the school after school and she had 'lost' her Binder so we were looking for it. We went into a teachers room which we weren't even supposed to. I got uncomfortable and left the room saying " We shouldnt be in here Im leaving byyee" and left the room but she stayed, but then left after she had grabbed 'her binder ' and this girl is known for lieing and now stealing.I dont know why I trusted her. Well the next day I found out that the teachers binder that had 5 years worth of lessons had gone missing. I questioned her and if the binder she had was actually hers or not. But after asking her multiple times she insisted it was hers so I let it go. 

I am not someone to steal I only did it once when I was 3 or 4 years old so I didnt know better. So its been in my head lately.

Imma stop writing now, Stay Happy and kind until next time, Signing off Potato

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