night terrors

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Night terror(s)
Episodes of screaming, intense fear, and flailing while still asleep, often paired with sleepwalking.

Common causes of this symptom

Night terrors can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. If they occur infrequently, it's a normal stage of childhood development. They also can be caused by nightmares.

Ive had 2 of them in the past 3 weeks yet I dont Scream or sleep walk while it happens. I just flail around and get intense fear.

Imma tell you 2 of the dreams in my perspective.

It was mid day and my little sister and I  were in a school yard in my mom truck waiting for my parents and older sister.  While we were waitibg the car started to drive its self loke it pulled out of the parking space drove alittle ways then turned off but that little ways brought us to a hill so we started to roll down the hill. I wasnt about to let us die from this so I tried to hop into the drivers seat from the back seat and take control..After that everything went black and i was Back in real life. My mom said I had been Shaking and moving around alot in my sleep to the point she thought i was having a seizure. I could hear here and understand her but i was so scaried from the dream that I was stuck I couldnt move or talk until my mom shook me a bit and even then I couldnt talk and barely move. It took alittle bit before i could move n talk. this was at 11:51pm its now 306am and um still scaried to go to sleep.

the next one was from like 2 weeks ago?? its short cuz i can only remeber alittle bit

I was Walking along the road and then a Big red pick up truck came and ran over me and i woke up after that. My family was still asleep.

afew days later of procrastinating

I had another  one last night. I was in the car with my family and then i go to scratch my head but end up breaking the skin to the point Im bleeding a waterfall from my forehead. My mom took me to the hospital the doctor took forever to the point that i was half dead,then a black  flash and it was a another nightmare. My mom asked me what the calender said and i couldnt read it and started to cry  she then brought me to a Doctor and they wanted to do  expirements on me my mom didnt agree what so ever but she couldnt do anything it was ok until one Brutal exspirement.... there was a 4 yr old me who was Very dumb at some points  one of the doctors had held my arm but then my mom said " thats not my daughter where is she" a light comes on and we can see the shadows fron the other  it was my 13 yr old self now The little me knew what was gonna happen and tried to warn me saying " Move get out of there!" sobbing But i couldn't move  a Bomb cam flying at the 13 yr old me I screamed screamed but no one could save me ...It was to late the bomb had gone off. It played that one dream until i woke up. I couldnt move my body was in complete under fear My parents didnt know about my night terror sp they kept repeating got me to get up, I then said " I had a bight terror I need to relax before i can get up" and my mom asked me if i could talk about it As I talked aboit it I started to cry and i RARELY EVer cry. I was terrified I was still shaking until i got to like 3rd period at school  and i finally calmed down. when I got home i found out that I had slightly scraped off alittle bit of my skin on the corner on the side of my face which i think triggered the bleeding forhead nightmare all in all hate night terrors And nightmares in general.

SORRy if this was scary,creepy, sad or  cringe to read. I write cuase Its kind of my way of copping with stuff that I dont know how to in real life

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