Short Story

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This is a short story of sonething that happened to me ( It was a short moment so)
Around a yr ago now
So it was like a wednesday on a school day. I some reason didnt ignore my alarm that day. I got up after sitting on my bed for 10mins trying not to fall back asleep no matter how bad i wanted too. Then got dressed and did my hair in a pony tail cuz thats my go to lewk.

I check on my sister cuz we had to get uo around the same time and get on the same bus. She wasnt going she wasnt feeling well.

So I wait until I have to go outside ( legit 2mins ur gurl doesnt get up early enough for squat!) I go outside and its Musky and foggy. I see a brown and whited spotted cat and its so cute I thought it was a neighbors cat it was running around the streets and the house across from mine. The cat comes over and just walks around my legs and in between them like a cat does  and i pet it. It wasnt soft but it wasnt Gritty either it was like a almost time for wash but not yet type Texture or whatever that word is that I dont remember  how to spell right now. It was so friendly and nice. Soon the cat leaves and my bus comes and I have to deal with the school day. I get home and tell my family and my parents tell me its a stray cat, and that I should be careful. I knew this but I didnt think it was. but whatever.

Welp thats the story of when I pet a stray cat.

WARNING:DONT GO PETTING A STRAY CAT YOU DONT KNOW WHERE ITS BEEN or WHAT IT HAS COME ACROSS! If an animal is injured or bleeding or there is something wrong get an adult to help or call a local shelter.

I have feeling that you know that i just wanted to make sure 😁.

Welp byyee I purple you!

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