SuperStar BTS

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If any of u guys have this awesome,triggering and fun game or you text me then youll will understand where this is going. I have had SuperStarBTS for about a week or so. I have leveled up to level 4 and have past basically all the easy modes on all the album's. But I cant even start normal. I have tried playing normal around 2  times  now and everytime i do i get raged and Annoyed at myself for being defeated by a game. Like easy is =to normal and normal is = to hard and hard i feel like is gonna be = to Ultra hard. Haha this game is going to be the death of me. Just wait im going to be the first to EVER die from a BTS game 😂😂😂 Jk jk I love the game and all bit like its hard! yet addicting. If u dont have it I recommend you try it when u can. anyways thats basically it for rn.

Stay postive n live on!~❤

All the Love
from Potato

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