Oh God...

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You just gotta love the internet. It can be pretty funny, such as when people post things like this.

Here is another picture to prove my point.

But wait, I'm not done. It's time to cover the OTHER side. Now, it can be fine when people draw ships, as shown by this picture.

However, there's people who take fan art a bit further...not too far, but close to the edge.

But do you wanna know the worst part?! DO YOU?!?!?!?!?!

Alright, it's drawn well, but dear God, why can't it be less sexual?!

You gotta love the internet sometimes.

I found this screenshot, so I'm putting it here.

(Credit to everyone who posted these pictures online and to whoever had drawn the pictures if the person who posted the picture online was not the creator.)
(Bonus points if you know what the screenshot is from.)


This video describes what people do to innocent fandoms.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro